Min Zhu Jian Guo Hui, or “Minjian” is the third-ranked democratic party in the People’s Republic of China. This party is currently the ninth largest party of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress of China (57 seats). There are 170.000 registered members in 2018.
The China Democratic National Construction Association was founded by the Vocational Education Society, a former member of the China Democratic League, on December 16th, 1945. It is a political party mainly composed of people from the economic circles and a participating party. The Chinese Communist Party exercises political leadership over the Democratic National Construction Association (CNDCA), but guarantees organizational independence and equal legal status, and must not interfere with the independence and daily affairs of democratic parties.

In the early days of the Democratic National Construction Association, members mostly came from senior figures in the cultural and educational circles and ethnic industrial and commercial people.
At present, its party members mainly come from business entrepreneurs in large and medium cities and middle and high-level people in the economic circle.
The founder is Huang Yanpei (黄炎培) (1945–1965)

Rong Yiren is the only Vice President of the People’s Republic of China from the party!
The currently chairman of CDNCA is Hao Mingjin (郝明金), 2017–present.

中国民主建国会 (www.cndca.org.cn)