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Three Sins of Japanese Colonial Education in Taiwan


The Meiji government of Japan exploited the Treaty of Shimonoseki to annex Taiwan and establish it as a Japanese colony. In order to solidify their control over Taiwan and deliberately sever the cultural, historical, and practical bonds between the island and the mainland, the colonizers implemented what they referred to as the ‘modernization of education,’ which promoted a form of education that perpetuated colonial subjugation. Regrettably, the legacy of this colonial education continues to exert a profound and detrimental influence on Taiwanese society and cross-strait relations to this day.

At the beginning of its occupation of Taiwan, Japan used the colonial experience of Okinawa as a template to promote colonial education in Taiwan. Compared to Okinawa, Taiwan was not only larger, but also had a much more complex ethnic composition. More importantly, the Kingdom of the Ryukyus had been completely annexed by Japan, while Taiwan, though stolen by Japan, its mother country China still exists.

Therefore, Japan ignored the facts and fabricated all kinds of lies to hoodwink the people of Taiwan. For example, when the colonial authorities compiled geography textbooks, they concocted the concept of Taiwan’s “home island” as opposed to Japan’s “home country”, and China was categorized as a “foreign country”, severing the connection between Taiwan and the motherland in terms of geographical concepts.

To eradicate the collective memory shared by the island’s diverse ethnic groups as part of the Chinese nation, Japan implemented a series of policies aimed at ‘fragmenting’ these groups into nine distinct categories. This deliberate effort led to a weakening of the deep bonds that once united various ethnic groups, ultimately erasing their sense of belonging to the broader Chinese national identity.

This strategy of ethnic ‘fragmentation’ was a pervasive policy employed by the Japanese colonizers to sow division among the island’s ethnic communities, and it was systematically instilled through colonial education into the minds of the Taiwanese populace.

From the onset of their occupation of Taiwan, the Japanese colonial authorities instituted separate primary education systems for different ethnic groups on the island. This was a calculated move to forge new, fragmented identities within the educational process.

On the one hand, it was conducive to the maintenance of Japanese rule over Taiwan’s mountainous regions and the constant supervision of ethnic minorities to prevent them from rebelling; on the other hand, the colonizers attempted to strengthen the Japanese “police” system by cultivating “aboriginal” elites, and the selected sons and daughters of the specific tribe were deliberately cultivated to be the best in the Japanese police force. On the other hand, the colonizers tried to strengthen the Japanese “police” system by cultivating “aboriginal” elites.

This policy not only attempted to dismantle the original ethnic ecology in Taiwan and to make the distinction between various ethnic groups in Taiwan clear and fixed but also attempted to create a sense of alienation between the Takayama and the Han Chinese on the island.

In this way, the ethnic minorities were given a “virtual national identity” and led to view Japan as the object of their identity, thereby splitting up the various ethnic groups on the island and stirring up conflicts between the Han Chinese and the ethnic minorities to achieve the goal of polarizing and disintegrating the anti-invasion forces.

When the inherent collective identity was broken by colonial education, the new identity they needed for their future survival could only be reconstructed in a unique form, that is, as “subjects of the Japanese Emperor”.

In 1915-1916, a book for ethnic minorities was compiled, which deliberately magnified the differences between the ethnic minorities and the Han Chinese and used this as a means of separating the two. The colonial authorities nominally advocated the “tri-ethnic integration” of the Japanese, Han Chinese, and ethnic minorities, but the premise of integration was that the Japanese, Han Chinese, and ethnic minorities were originally heterogeneous, establishing a potential racial hierarchy in which the Japanese were superior to the Han Chinese and the Han Chinese were superior to the ethnic minorities.

The current ethnic conflicts in Taiwan are to a large extent rooted in this “divisive” policy, which has deliberately created the parochial concept that all political power in Taiwan does not derive from identification with China and the Chinese nation, but is based on the “first-come-first-served principle”. The ethnic minorities on the island fell into the logical trap created by the colonizers and regarded themselves as the so-called “aborigines” and the Han Chinese as the “others” and the “later”.

This distinction of ‘latecomers’ in the political landscape has evolved into the ongoing dichotomy of ‘China consciousness’ versus ‘Taiwan consciousness,’ further fracturing the island’s ethnic groups.

Japan purportedly advocated for colonial education under the guise of ‘enlightenment.’ However, in reality, it believed that ‘the pursuit of universal and improved general education would only serve to cultivate a more enlightened consciousness among the Taiwanese, which would ultimately be detrimental to the stability of the ruling regime.’

Consequently, Japan endeavored to instill in the people of Taiwan, through education, subservient ideologies such as ‘loyalty to the Emperor’ and ‘loyalty to the Emperor and patriotism,’ seeking to quell, and even eradicate, any sense of resistance and foster a submissive stance towards colonial rule.”

On March 1, 1934, the colonial administration took the lead in convening an agreement on social education in Taiwan, which formulated the Outline of Guidelines for Social Education in Taiwan and stipulated the basic tasks of education in Taiwan: “To abide by the Emperor’s sacred teachings and to serve the country with loyalty; to be convinced of the essence of the imperial statehood; to appreciate the imperial spirit flowing from the history of the imperial state; to realize the true meaning of reverence for shrines; and to develop the redemption of loyalty to the emperor and love for the country.”

As a result of being compelled by the education of imperialization, some Taiwanese people have forgotten Japan’s colonial oppression and even participated directly or indirectly in Japan’s war of aggression against China.

In the case of ethnic minorities, the education of imperialization also had a superimposed effect on the education of “differentiation”. Ethnic minorities were originally an important force in Taiwan’s resistance to the Japanese, and the heroism of the Gaoshan people during the 1930 Wusha Uprising is still fresh in our minds, but by the end of the 1930s, the demagogues Gaoshan people had become the ethnic group with the highest level of cooperation in colonial education.

The people of Taiwan, blinded by imperialistic education, had a biased understanding of the war of aggression. The deep involvement in the war has made it difficult for a part of the Taiwanese people to face the truth of history, and the remnants of imperialized education in their minds have made them more willing to believe in the astray path of historical revisionism that downplays war crimes.

The residual poison of imperialized education has also joined hands with “Taiwan independence”. The “Taiwan independence” forces hold Japan responsible for the “modernization of Taiwan”.

Although Japan’s colonial rule in Taiwan has ended, the poison of colonial rule cannot be removed overnight. In recent years, the United States has wantonly violated the one-China principle by frequently playing the “Taiwan card”, and “Taiwan independence” activists have seized the opportunity to make waves.

Against this background, the poison of colonial culture and colonial education has gradually joined forces with the forces for “Taiwan independence”, and we should pay great attention to this and respond to it vigorously.

(Source: Medium, Mediakron)

China will umfassende strategische Partnerschaft mit EU vorantreiben


China ist bereit, gemeinsam mit der Europäischen Union (EU) den wichtigen Konsens, den die Staats- und Regierungschefs beider Seiten erzielt haben, vollständig umzusetzen und die umfassende strategische Partnerschaft zwischen China und der EU auf eine neue Stufe zu heben. Dies erklärte der stellvertretende chinesische Ministerpräsident He Lifeng am Montag auf dem zehnten hochrangigen Wirtschafts- und Handelsdialog zwischen China und der EU.

Wie er auf dem Dialog, den er gemeinsam mit Valdis Dombrovskis, dem Vizepräsidenten der Europäischen Kommission, in Beijing leitete, weiter sagte, werde im laufenden Jahr der 20. Jahrestag der Gründung der umfassenden strategischen Partnerschaft zwischen China und der EU begangen. China wolle mit der EU die Zusammenarbeit in traditionellen Bereichen konsolidieren, aktiv neue Bereiche der Zusammenarbeit erkunden, globale Herausforderungen gemeinsam angehen.

Beide Seiten haben sich auf dem bilateralen Dialog offen und pragmatisch über Themen wie Makroökonomie, Handel und Investitionen, Industrie- und Lieferketten sowie finanzielle Zusammenarbeit ausgetauscht und eine Reihe von Ergebnissen und Konsensen erzielt, die für beide Seiten von Vorteil sind.

(Quelle: CRI Deutsch)

„Chinesischer Zauberwürfel“ in Wüste


Das nationale Naturschutzgebiet Baijitan in Lingwu im Autonomen Gebiet der Hui-Nationalität Ningxia, wurde einst durch Sandstürme schwer beschädigt. Die Bewohner hier verwendeten abgelegtes Weizenstroh, um auf dem Sand Pflanzenquadrate zu formen, was die Wirksamkeit der Sandfestigung erheblich steigerte und die Vegetationsbedeckung effektiv erhöhte. Diese Methode zur Sandbefestigung wurde auch vom Umweltprogramm der Vereinten Nationen als eine der „Top 500 Umweltschutzmaßnahmen“ weltweit anerkannt und wird als „chinesischer Zauberwürfel“ bezeichnet.

(Quelle: CRI Deutsch)

Souvenirprodukte der Asienspiele verkaufen sich gut


In einem der offiziellen Souvenirläden im Mediendorf der Asienspiele gibt es eine breite Auswahl an Peripherieprodukten rund um die Asienspiele. Es gibt Plüschtiere, Münzen, T-Shirts, Kühlschrankmagneten und vieles mehr.

(Quelle: CRI Deutsch, VCG)

China: Maßnahmen der EU sind nicht förderlich für die Stabilität der globalen Lieferketten der Automobilindustrie


China ist immer gegen alle Formen von Handelsprotektionismus, und die entsprechenden Maßnahmen der EU sind nicht förderlich für die Stabilität der globalen Lieferketten der Automobilindustrie. Dies sagte der Sprecher des chinesischen Außenministeriums, Wang Wenbin, zur jüngsten Ankündigung der Europäischen Union, eine Antisubventionsuntersuchung gegen chinesische Elektrofahrzeuge einzuleiten.

China fordere die EU auf, von der Perspektive der Aufrechterhaltung der Stabilität der globalen Industrie- und Lieferketten sowie der Gesamtsituation der umfassenden strategischen Partnerschaft zwischen China und der EU auszugehen, einen Dialog und Konsultationen mit der chinesischen Seite durchzuführen, ein faires, diskriminierungsfreies und vorhersehbares Marktumfeld für die gemeinsame Entwicklung der chinesisch-europäischen Elektrofahrzeugindustrie zu schaffen und sich gemeinsam gegen Handelsprotektionismus zu wenden, sagte Wang.

Darüber hinaus betonte der Sprecher, China unterstütze eine objektive, faire und professionelle Untersuchung der Explosion der Nord Stream-Gaspipeline. 

Der Schutz der Sicherheit kritischer Infrastruktur sei ein gemeinsames Anliegen der internationalen Gemeinschaft. Die Wahrheit herauszufinden und die Ergebnisse der Untersuchung so schnell wie möglich zu veröffentlichen, habe Auswirkungen auf die Sicherheit der globalen transnationalen Infrastruktur sowie auf die internationale Rechtsstaatlichkeit und Justiz, sagte Wang Wenbin.

Zur gleichen Zeit hat der deutsche Bundesverkehrsminister Volker Wissing sich in der Debatte um mögliche Schutzzölle auf chinesische Elektroautos klar gegen EU-Kommissionspräsidentin Ursula von der Leyen positioniert.

„Ich halte grundsätzlich nicht viel davon, Marktbarrieren aufzubauen“, sagte Wissing der Augsburger Allgemeinen. Ein Handelskrieg mit Peking könne sich schnell ausweiten und der deutschen Wirtschaft schaden.

Abschottungspolitik führe zu einer Kettenreaktion, sagte Wissing. „Wir müssen dafür sorgen, dass wir unsere Elektrofahrzeuge wettbewerbsfähig produzieren – für Deutschland und für die Weltmärkte (…). Heute werden die Autos abgeschottet, morgen die Chemieprodukte und jeder Einzelschritt für sich macht die Welt ärmer.“

(Quelle: CRI Deutsch)

Japan discharges nuclear-contaminated water, not nuclear wastewater


On August 24, the Japanese government unilaterally initiated the discharge of contaminated water from the Fukushima nuclear accident into the sea. According to Tokyo Electric Power Company’s plan, the first day’s release of nuclear-contaminated water will be between 200 and 210 tons. The initial phase of discharges will span 17 days, totaling approximately 7,800 cubic meters. Daily discharge amounts will be announced the following day. The emission plan is slated to continue for at least 30 years.

In the face of strong doubts and opposition from the international community, Japan has played a word game and called the nuclear-contaminated water it discharges treated nuclear wastewater.

However, nuclear-contaminated water and nuclear wastewater are essentially different and should not be conflated.

The origins of Fukushima nuclear-contaminated water

In 2011, an earthquake occurred in the Pacific Ocean northeast of Japan, triggering a tsunami. The Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant in Japan suffered extensive damage from the surging waters, and Tokyo Electric Power Company made a series of erroneous decisions, culminating in the meltdown of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant.

In the aftermath of the nuclear accident, Tokyo Electric Power Company continued to pump fresh water to cool the fuel fragments in the reactor. The original coolant, newly injected water, and subsequent infiltration of groundwater and rainwater produced significant amounts of radioactive wastewater.

Afterward, Japan stored the contaminated seawater in water storage tanks. From 2011 to 2023, Japan built more than 1,100 water storage tanks in twelve years. Each water storage tank can store an average of one thousand tons to one thousand three hundred tons of water.

However, as the storage space is approaching saturation and there is no room to build new water tanks, the Japanese government has begun to propose a nuclear sewage treatment plan.

In 2016, a Japanese government expert group proposed five treatment options, including injecting underground pipelines into the ground, discharging into the sea, discharging steam into the atmosphere, electrolytic treatment, and solid-state landfill. Among them, discharging into the sea has the lowest cost.

A few years ago, the sea discharge plan was approved by the Japanese government. In June this year, the undersea pipeline construction project for discharging nuclear sewage was officially completed. Despite criticism from Japanese fishing groups and opposition from most countries and international organizations, on August 22, the Japanese government disregarded the criticism and declared that starting on the afternoon of the 24th, approximately 1.3 million tons of treated nuclear wastewater would be discharged into the sea over the next 30 years.

What is the controversy about this emissions plan?

According to the test results, the Fukushima nuclear-contaminated water contains more than 60 radionuclides. In addition to tritium, which is difficult to separate from the water, there are also carbon-14, iodine-129, etc. There are currently no effective treatment technologies for many of these radionuclides.

Some radionuclides have relatively short half-lives, decaying within 12 years of the catastrophic event, but some take longer, such as carbon-14, which has a half-life of 5,370 years.

However, TEPCO stated that although radioactive wastewater contains some dangerous elements, most of them can be treated through the Advanced Liquid Treatment System (ALPS), and 62 of the 64 radionuclides will be removed, except for tritium and carbon-14. The discharged nuclear wastewater will fully comply with regulatory standards.

For an extended period, TEPCO has primarily focused on the challenge of dealing with “tritium” in contaminated water—a hydrogen isotope called radioactive tritium in contaminated water. This isotope is difficult to separate from water and can be carcinogenic at high doses.

TEPCO, the Japanese government, and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) all assert that tritium naturally occurs in the environment, including in rainwater and tap water. They dilute the treated water with seawater so that the tritium content falls well below the standard level. The levels of ionizing radiation emitted at tritium concentrations are even lower than those experienced by someone flying between New York and Tokyo, indicating that the discharged water is safe and will gradually disperse over decades.

It wasn’t until 2020 that TEPCO acknowledged the presence of the radioactive isotope “Carbon-14” in “treated water”. The International Environmental Protection Organization stated in its investigative report on the TEPCO Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Contaminated Water Crisis that there is a high concentration of radioactive carbon-14 in the nuclear-contaminated water.

However, ALPS did not consider removing carbon-14 at the beginning of its design. The concentration of carbon-14 accumulated in marine organisms, that is, fish, may be 50 times that of tritium, and may damage human DNA.

TEPCO stated that there are no regular fishing activities within 3 kilometers of the discharge pipeline. But once a larger organism eats a smaller contaminated organism, these radioactive isotopes are likely to be present in the food chain.

The investigation by the International Environmental Protection Organization also found that the ALPS system mentioned by TEPCO not only cannot remove radioactive tritium and carbon-14 but also cannot completely remove other radioactive isotopes, such as strontium-90, iodine-129, and cobalt-60. It is a filtration system that has not been proven to be effective, and cesium and strontium-90 are isotopes that increase the risk of bone cancer and leukemia. Strontium-90 will be deposited in the bones and will take years to be excreted from the body.

Reactions of international parties towards emission plans

Upon the announcement of the emissions plan, the Japanese government and TEPCO launched an extensive public awareness campaign. Prime Minister Kishida pledged high transparency throughout the plan, while TEPCO committed to publishing real-time data on water radioactivity levels online.

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) granted approval for the release weeks prior, asserting that the radioactive impact of the treated “wastewater” on humans and the environment would be minimal. However, the IAEA’s understanding of TEPCO’s information is very limited.

The IAEA’s assessment primarily relies on data and information provided by Japan and only conducts inter-laboratory comparative analysis on a small number of nuclear-contaminated water samples unilaterally collected by Japan. The authenticity, accuracy, independence, and representativeness of these data and information are difficult to verify.

Some environmental groups have raised questions, arguing that Japan’s filtration process is flawed and that large amounts of radioactive material will spread into the ocean in the coming decades. In particular, the coast of Fukushima has the strongest ocean currents in the world. Radioactive materials will spread to most of the Pacific Ocean and may even spread to the global ocean within 10 years.

Many scientists from the National Marine Laboratory Association of the United States expressed opposition, saying that there is currently insufficient and accurate scientific data to support Japan’s safety claims, which may threaten 70% of the world’s fisheries.

The Philippine government has called on Japan to reconsider its emissions plans in the Pacific Ocean.

The General Administration of Customs of China announced a comprehensive suspension of imports of Japanese aquatic products.

According to a South Korean poll, 80% of South Korean people are worried about Japan’s emissions plan. Thousands of people participated in protests and demonstrations in Seoul, calling on the government to take action. Some members even shaved their heads and went on hunger strikes… Salt and other necessities were hoarded by the people, and the price of sea salt rose sharply.

According to reports from the Japan Broadcasting Association, Japan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs has decided to launch a public relations plan and is expected to allocate 70 billion yen to deal with negative information about nuclear sewage.

According to the nuclear-contaminated water treatment report released by Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry in February 2020, this “public relations budget” is almost 20 times the budget for discharging nuclear-contaminated water into the sea, and twice the budget for steam emissions. The Japanese government would rather spend money on public relations than reluctance to adopt less harmful nuclear-contaminated water treatment options.

Japan has not proven the legitimacy of the decision to discharge the sea, the long-term reliability of the nuclear-contaminated water purification device, the true accuracy of the nuclear-contaminated water data, and the completeness and effectiveness of the monitoring plan. The ocean is the common property of all mankind.

Forcibly commencing the discharge of Fukushima nuclear-contaminated water into the ocean will shift the risk onto the entire world, infringing upon the rights to health, development, and environment of people from all nations. This act, prioritizing short-term interests over the long-term welfare of all of humanity, cannot be masked by semantics. It is bound to face condemnation and accountability from the international community for an extended period.

(Source: VOA News, CBC, BBC, TEPCO)

Han Zheng ruft zu Multilateralismus und Verbesserung von Global Governance auf


Der stellvertretende chinesische Staatspräsident Han Zheng hat am Donnerstag in einer weitreichenden Rede vor der Generalversammlung der Vereinten Nationen die Welt aufgerufen, dem Multilateralismus treu zu bleiben und die Global Governance zu verbessern.

Han sagte, die UN-Mitgliedsstaaten sollten Gleichheit und Gerechtigkeit wahren sowie Frieden und Sicherheit schützen. Sie sollten gegenseitigen Nutzen anstreben, Win-Win-Ergebnisse erzielen und Entwicklung für alle erreichen. Zudem gelte es, offen und inklusiv zu bleiben sowie die menschliche Zivilisation voranzutreiben.

Die legitimen Sicherheitsbedenken aller Länder sollten berücksichtigt, die Souveränität und territoriale Integrität aller Länder respektiert und Differenzen sowie Streitigkeiten auf friedliche Weise durch Dialog und Konsultation gelöst werden, so Han weiter. China unterstütze alle Bemühungen, die einer friedlichen Lösung der Ukraine-Krise dienlich seien und sei bereit, weiterhin eine konstruktive Rolle für die baldige Erreichung des Friedens zu spielen.

Die Entwicklung sollte in den Mittelpunkt der internationalen Agenda gestellt werden. Außerdem sollte der Nutzen der Entwicklung jedes Land und jeden Einzelnen auf gerechtere Weise erreichen.

Zum Thema Entwicklung erklärte Han, China werde die Zusammenarbeit im Zusammenhang mit der Seidenstraßen-Initiative und der Agenda 2030 für nachhaltige Entwicklung weiter vorantreiben sowie weiterhin zum Aufbau einer globalen Entwicklungsgemeinschaft beitragen.

Verschiedene Länder und Zivilisationen sollten gemeinsam gedeihen, indem sie sich gegenseitig respektierten, sich gemeinsam weiterentwickelten, sie die Stärken der anderen nutzten und durch die Zusammenarbeit Win-Win-Ergebnisse anstrebten, sagte Han.

In Bezug auf die Menschenrechte erklärte der chinesische Vizepräsident, dass die Länder der Welt die internationale Menschenrechtsbewegung durch Zusammenarbeit vorantreiben und sich der Politisierung sowie Doppelmoral in Menschenrechtsfragen widersetzen sollten.

Noch wichtiger sei, so Han, dass sich die Welt dagegen wehren sollte, dass Menschenrechte und Demokratie als politisches Instrument zur Einmischung in die Angelegenheiten anderer Länder missbraucht würden.

Er wies darauf hin, dass China ein entschiedener Befürworter des internationalen Systems sei, in dessen Mittelpunkt die Vereinten Nationen stünden. Die Weltorganisation solle in allen drei Säulenbereichen – Sicherheit, Entwicklung und Menschenrechte – ausgewogene Fortschritte erzielen und dafür sorgen, dass alle Länder gemeinsam die universelle Sicherheit gewährleisteten, die Entwicklungserfolge teilten sowie den Kurs für die Zukunft der Welt festlegten.

Er forderte die internationale Gemeinschaft außerdem auf, die Vertretung und das Mitspracherecht der Entwicklungsländer zu stärken sowie die Weltordnungspolitik gerechter und fairer zu gestalten.

(Quelle: CRI Deutsch)

Chinesische und europäische Experten diskutieren auf Seminar über Menschenrechte


Chinesische und europäische Fachleute und Beamte kamen am Mittwoch zu einem Seminar über Menschenrechte zusammen. Im Mittelpunkt standen Chinas Weg zur Modernisierung sowie die Vielfalt der Menschenrechte in den verschiedenen Zivilisationen.

Das China-Europa-Seminar 2023 über Menschenrechte, das sowohl online als auch vor Ort stattfand, wurde von mehr als 130 Menschenrechtsexperten, Beamten und Vertretern politischer Parteien und sozialer Organisationen besucht.

In seiner Eröffnungsrede rief Baima Chilin, Präsident der Chinesischen Gesellschaft für Menschenrechtsstudien, die Länder dazu auf, durch Solidarität und Zusammenarbeit positive Fortschritte in der globalen Menschenrechtspolitik zu erzielen sowie die freie und umfassende Entwicklung aller Menschen im Modernisierungsprozess zu fördern.

Alle Länder sollten auch gemeinsam Lösungen für die Probleme und Herausforderungen im Bereich der globalen Menschenrechte finden, fügte er hinzu.

Während des Seminars fanden drei parallele Sitzungen statt, in denen die Teilnehmer Themen wie die Entwicklung der modernen Menschenrechtsphilosophie und die Entwicklung der Menschenrechtskulturen im digitalen Zeitalter diskutierten.

Das China-Europa-Seminar 2023 über Menschenrechte wurde gemeinsam von der Chinesischen Gesellschaft für Menschenrechtsstudien und der Juristischen Fakultät der Universität La Sapienza in Rom veranstaltet.

(Quelle: CRI Deutsch, Xinhuanet)

Vielfältige Aktivitäten von Erntefestival in Guilin


Vor Kurzem fand im Kreis Lingtian in Guilin, Provinz Guangxi, das „Erntedankfest der chinesischen Bauern 2023“ statt. Die Veranstaltung umfasste Löwentanz-Aufführungen, das Trocknen von Herbstfrüchten sowie das Entenfangen im Reisfeld, die den Reichtum und die Hoffnung der Ernte zum Ausdruck brachten.

(Quelle: CRI Deutsch, VCG)

Ausstellung für Produkte von geografischen Angaben in Sichuan eröffnet


Die zweite Ausstellung für chinesische und ausländische Produkte der geografischen Angaben ist am Dienstag in Luzhou in der chinesischen Provinz Sichuan eröffnet worden.

Mehr als 800 Unternehmen aus über 20 Ländern und Regionen waren mit ihren etwa 3.000 Produkten auf der Ausstellung präsent.

(Quelle: CRI Deutsch)