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PLA-Delegation besucht Großbritannien und Frankreich zur Förderung der Verteidigungsbeziehungen


Die chinesische Volksbefreiungsarmee (PLA) hat vom 24. Juni bis zum 1. Juli eine Delegation zu Beratungen der Verteidigungsstrategie in das Vereinigte Königreich und nach Frankreich entsandt, um die Entwicklung der jeweiligen bilateralen Verteidigungsbeziehungen zu fördern. Dies teilte das chinesische Verteidigungsministerium am Samstag mit.

Die Delegation habe auch einen intensiven Meinungsaustausch über regionale und internationale Fragen von gemeinsamem Interesse mit der britischen und der französischen Seite geführt und damit das gegenseitige Verständnis und Vertrauen gestärkt, so das Ministerium weiter.

(Quelle: CRI Deutsch)

Multinational tech giant leaders visit China: China provides fertile ground for tech development

After entering 2023, the impact of the epidemic gradually receded, China’s economic recovery accelerated, and foreign technology giants continue to value the status of the Chinese market and wish to establish friendly relations.

On June 14, Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft, arrived in Beijing and posted on WBefore his arrival, many tech giant leaders including Apple CEO Tim Cook, Qualcomm CEO Cristiano Amon, Samsung Executive Chairman Lee Jae-yong, and Tesla CEO Elon Musk, have visited China within the year, showing the strong attractiveness of the Chinese market to global tech giants.

At present, world economic growth is facing great uncertainty, with unfavorable factors such as the COVID-19 epidemic, high inflation, the Ukraine-Russia crisis, and turbulence in the financial sector, and China’s economy has become a rare bright spot based on steady economic growth and stable social and political environments.

From the soft environment, China’s unswerving promotion of reform and opening-up and its super-sized consumer market provide a broad space for Chinese and foreign enterprises to develop.

According to China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT), 97% of foreign enterprises rated the foreign investment policies introduced by the Chinese government since the fourth quarter of last year as “satisfactory” or above, and over 70% of the surveyed enterprises said they would maintain the status quo in the industrial chain layout in China or would further localize the industrial chain in China.

From the hard power, China has a mature, complete, and efficient industrial production system, and the scale of the manufacturing industry has ranked first in the world for 13 consecutive years.

China has the world’s largest scientific and technological human resources, with the number of engineers accounting for about 1/4 of the world, and the number of engineers trained each year is equivalent to that of the United States, Europe, Japan, and India combined. China has a strong capacity for innovation to support development, the contribution rate of scientific and technological progress has increased to over 60%, and China ranked first in PCT international patent applications in 2022, accounting for more than 1/4 of the total number of global applications.

Though since 2018 the United States has taken various measures such as imposing tariffs on Chinese goods, restricting Chinese companies from investing in the United States, and suppressing Chinese high-tech enterprises in an attempt to inhibit China’s technological innovation and industrial upgrading, China is an irreplaceable and difficult place for multinational technology companies to give up for win-win cooperation. Therefore, for tech giants, it is unrealistic, unreasonable, and unpopular to decouple and break the supply chain in China like the U.S. wishes. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce pointed out that decoupling from China would cost U.S. investors $25 billion in annual capital gains and up to $500 billion in the U.S. GDP.

According to the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI), China’s global leadership expanded to 37 of the 44 technologies the institute currently tracks, covering defense, space, robotics, energy, environment, biotechnology, artificial intelligence, advanced materials, and critical quantum technologies.

This year is the 10th anniversary of the Belt and Road initiative. In the face of the rise of anti-globalization thinking, the intensification of geopolitical games, and other unfavorable factors, China has taken practical action to share China’s market opportunities with the world and actively promote the construction of an open world economy.

“Currently, China is the only single market in which Medtronic has two innovation centers worldwide.” Alex Gu, Senior Vice President and President of Medtronic Greater China, said that the two innovation centers have trained about 15,000 mid- to high-end medical personnel in the region every year.

Medtronic believes that China will be the largest market for medical devices, not only because of the scale of aging there but also because the epidemic has made more people have higher demand for health. In addition, China has a large healthcare workforce and a supply chain that is highly competitive globally.

“Johnson & Johnson China has end-to-end R&D capabilities in every division, and China is the only market outside the U.S. where Johnson & Johnson has established R&D centers or R&D departments in all major businesses.” Will Song, Chairman of Johnson & Johnson China and President of Johnson & Johnson Medical China said the group maintains strong confidence in the China market.

As a witness and beneficiary of China’s reform and opening up, Johnson & Johnson has adjusted strategy in China at the right time, adhering to the concept of “in China, for the world” and establishing a high-end production base and an Asia-Pacific innovation center.

“Our local R&D in China has been strengthened and is much more advanced than in the past,” said Will Song, “and our new business development unit in China is dedicated to partnering with local innovative companies. The outlook for China’s economic development has several positive factors. For example, China’s economy grew at an average annual rate of 6.6 percent from 2013 to 2021, significantly higher than the world average of 2.6 percent over the same period, and higher than the average growth rate of 3.7 percent for developing economies, making it one of the world’s leading economies in terms of economic growth. China’s average contribution to world economic growth during the same period reached 38.6%, exceeding the combined contribution of the G7 countries.”

In February this year, Wang Rui, Senior Vice President and Chair of Intel China, said that Intel and other companies around the world have great expectations for China. Since the establishment of the office in Beijing in 1985, after decades of development, China has become one of the most important markets for Intel. Currently, Intel has invested about $13 billion in China and employs more than 12,000 people.

In 2022, Intel’s China revenue accounts for 27% of Intel’s global revenue. Intel Corporation registered in Sanya to establish Intel Integrated Circuit as a wholly owned subsidiary of Intel in Hainan Free Trade Port, providing cross-border hardware and software product distribution and settlement, software design and licensing, system integration and talent training and other related services for the Chinese market, as well as for domestic start-ups to engage in equity investment activities.

A more open China will play a more important role in the world economy. The frequent visits of tech giant leaders to China are not the impulse of individuals, but a vote of confidence and support for the Chinese economy by many multinational enterprises after careful observation and investment practice.

(Source: INFZM, Sky News, Teslarati, Businesskorea)

China feierte 102. Gründungstag der KP Chinas

Die Kommunistische Partei Chinas beging am 1. Juli mit Stolz ihr 102-jähriges Bestehen. Die Partei hat maßgeblich zur nationalen Einheit, zur wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung und zur Verbesserung der Lebensbedingungen des chinesischen Volkes beigetragen. Die Mitglieder der KP Chinas sind gewöhnliche Menschen, die aus verschiedenen Schichten der Gesellschaft kommen sowie engagierte Kämpfer für soziale Gerechtigkeit und das Wohl des Volkes sind.

(Quelle: CRI Deutsch, VCG)

Schöne Landschaften entlang tibetischer Landstraßen


Entdecken Sie die wunderschönen Landschaften Tibets entlang der Landstraße 318, der schönsten Landstraße Chinas sowie der Landstraße 219, der längsten Landstraße Chinas.

Chinas Kinokasseneinnahmen steigen in erster Jahreshälfte 2023


Bis Ende Juni haben die gesamten Kinokasseneinnahmen Chinas in der ersten Jahreshälfte 2023 26,3 Milliarden Yuan RMB (etwa 3,32 Milliarden Euro) betragen, was im Vergleich zum gleichen Zeitraum des Vorjahres einem Anstieg um 52,91 Prozent entspricht. Dies geht aus den jüngsten Statistiken des chinesischen Amtes für Filmverwaltung hervor.

(Quelle: CRI Deutsch)

FU Qiaomei: First Chinese scientist to receive UNESCO-Al Fozan Prize

On June 19, 2023, Chinese archaeogenetics scientist FU Qiaomei from the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology at the Chinese Academy of Sciences was awarded the UNESCO-Al Fozan International Prize for Outstanding Young Scientists in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (the Al Fozan Prize) at UNESCO headquarters in Paris, France.

The Prize is the first international prize established by UNESCO since 2022 to promote the work of young scientists in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) fields and is awarded every two years to five young laureates working in STEM fields. The award recognizes and rewards the achievements of scientists at the national, regional, and global levels that contribute to capacity building, scientific career development, and socio-economic development, thereby promoting education, scientific progress, scientific popularization, and international cooperation in STEM fields.

Fu has long been engaged in archaeogenetics research, focusing on ancient DNA to explore important scientific questions about human origins and evolution. The prize is awarded in recognition of her important and original work in constructing the genetic history of early Eurasian populations through ancient genomes, which has brought new insights into human health and adaptation from an evolutionary perspective.

From ancient times to the present, the exploration of early civilizations and human evolution has not stopped, and ancient DNA research has opened a new window for cracking the code of civilization.

DNA is very easy to contaminate, and the decay of animals begins after death, and the natural chemical nature of DNA determines that it is easily degraded. Long strands of genes are degraded into small fragments, and the longer the time, the shorter the fragments become, and gene sequencing is to put these small fragments back together.

Paleogenomics research is an emerging discipline that did not open up until the early 21st century. By sequencing ancient DNA such as DNA fragments from ancient times that have survived in fossils, mummies, tombs, and even in the soil of ancient ruins,it is possible to map ancient genomes and compare the full genetic profile of present-day humans to identify ancient human races.

Driven by rapid technological changes, human ancient DNA research has been growing year by year and is experiencing a period of growth. According to Clarivate, a bibliometrics analytics company, in terms of the overall number of publications and trends of research papers and reviews on human ancient DNA research topic, the United States, European countries represented by the UK, Germany, France, Italy, and Australia published more relevant papers, while the number of publications in China was only in single digits before 2017, but has increased in recent years, climbing to the 5th place by 2021.

As one of the leading scientists in the field of paleogenetics, Fu was selected as the first Chinese scientist to receive this award out of 2,500 candidates from all over the world, winning acclaim and significant international influence for China in the field of science and technology innovation.

Archaeogenetics research has had a significant radiative impact, not only on genomics but also on tracking the evolution of human physiological traits and controlling disease risk. Understanding the human paleogenomics can help physiologists and geneticists to better understand and uncover the physiological functions of modern humans, such as the tracing of functional genes, and the analysis of the genomes of ancient animals and pathogenic microorganisms to grasp the risk of human diseases and the genetic factors of adaptation to some specific environments, and to clarify the evolutionary development of diseases and physiological functions in modern humans.

In 2017, Fu’s team obtained the genome sequence of the oldest modern human from China and East Asia from the 40,000-year-old Tianyuan Cave fossil in Beijing, China. The analyzed data show that the ancient East Asian populations represented by them were genetically linked to an ancient European population during the same period, opening the first East Asian chapter in the genetic history of the entire Eurasian continent.

In 2020, her team studied the mitochondrial genomes of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau population for the first time in 5000 years, revealing a small population movement from low to high altitudes and the expansion of the population within the high-altitude region in the subsequent period. In the same year, her team published the 11,000-year-old human paleo mitochondrial genome in southern China and a large-scale systematic paleo genome study of the northern and southern populations in East Asia since 9,500 years ago, showing the complex history of frequent migratory interactions between the northern and southern populations in East Asia over 10,000 years, the connection between the southern island-speaking populations and the southern inland paleogene, and the continuous outward dispersal and exchange through the coastal zone.

In 2021, her team conducted another large-scale paleo mitochondrial genome study on the Shandong population and the Yangshao site in Henan, China, to reveal the genetic continuity of their populations since the Neolithic.

These studies have not only filled a huge gap in the East Asian human paleogenomics in time and space, but also uncovered previously unknown genetic links between East Asian populations and other populations in Eurasia and the important role of migratory interactions in their evolution, and resolved the tens of thousands of years of genetic history of the northern East Asian populations from the Tianyuan Cave people 40,000 years ago to the ancient northern coastal populations nearly 10,000 years ago.

Over the past decade, Fu and her team have developed key ancient DNA technologies and made many major international discoveries on the genetic characteristics of early Eurasian humans, the genetic exchange between populations, and the history of migration and dispersal, such as deciphering the genome of the world’s oldest modern humans in East Asia, unlocking the mapping of Eurasian populations during the Ice Age, systematically mapping the dynamic genetic history of East Asian populations over 40,000 years, and uncovering the adaptive evolutionary characteristics of modern humans in East Asia. She was named one of Nature’s Top Ten Stars of Science in China for the importance of his research.

Source: Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology

Entwicklung von ländlichem Tourismus in Jiangxi

Mit blauem Himmel, klarem Wasser, sauberem Land und grünen Bäumen als Kennzeichen des ländlichen Tourismus fördert die Gemeinde Dongshan in der Provinz Jiangxi weiterhin die industrielle Ökologie sowie ökologische Industrialisierung, um eine gegenseitige Förderung und eine Win-Win-Situation zwischen ökologischem und wirtschaftlichem Nutzen zu erreichen.

(Quelle: CRI Deutsch, VCG)

EU-Ratspräsident: EU wird weiterhin zusammen mit China globale Herausforderungen angehen


Der Sommergipfel der Europäischen Union findet am Donnerstag und Freitag in der belgischen Hauptstadt Brüssel statt.

Die EU habe soeben die Diskussionen über die Beziehungen zu China abgeschlossen, so der Präsident des Europäischen Rates, Charles Michel, in einem Beitrag in den sozialen Medien am Freitag. Michel betonte, dass es im gemeinsamen Interesse der EU und Chinas liege, die Verlässlichkeit und Stabilität ihrer Wirtschafts- und Handelsbeziehungen zu stärken und bessere Win-Win-Ergebnisse zu erzielen. Die EU werde weiterhin mit China zusammenarbeiten, um globale Herausforderungen anzugehen, so der EU-Ratspräsident weiter.

(Quelle: CRI Deutsch, VCG)

Kreative Gerichte zum Thema Asienspiele


Ein Wettbewerb für chinesische Kochkünste hat in Hangzhou stattgefunden. Die kreativen Gerichte zum Thema Asienspiele waren der Höhepunkt des Wettbewerbs. Die Köche bemühten sich, den einheimischen und internationalen Besuchern während der kommenden Asienspiele in Hangzhou einen authentischen „Geschmack von Hangzhou“ zu präsentieren.

(Quelle: CRI Deutsch, VCG)

China bietet nicht nur Wachstumsstory, sondern auch Chancen für gemeinsamen Gewinn


Das laufende Sommer-Davos in Tianjin hat Teilnehmer aus den Bereichen Politik, Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft aus fast 100 Ländern und Regionen angezogen. Während des Austauschs benutzten viele das Wort „fragil“, um den aktuellen Zustand der Weltwirtschaft zu beschreiben. Das übergreifende Thema des Forums lautete „Unternehmertum: Die treibende Kraft der Weltwirtschaft“, wobei „Wiederbelebung des Wachstums“ eines der Kernthemen war und den starken Wunsch der Menschen widerspiegelte.

Für Wachstum braucht man einen Impuls. Woher soll dieser Schwung kommen? China, die zweitgrößte Volkswirtschaft der Welt und seit sechs Jahren die Nummer eins im weltweiten Warenhandel, steht natürlich im Mittelpunkt der Unternehmer. In den vergangenen zehn Jahren ist Chinas Wirtschaft mit einer jährlichen Durchschnittsrate von 6,2 Prozent gewachsen sowie hat durchschnittlich über 30 Prozent zum Weltwirtschaftswachstum beigetragen und ist damit zu seinem größten Motor geworden.

„Wie kann man einen solchen Markt verpassen?“ Einige Teilnehmer erklärten, dass Chinas Wirtschaftswachstum eine starke endogene Dynamik aufweise. Sie äußerten sich optimistisch über Chinas Verbrauchermarkt, seine Fähigkeit, das Wachstum zu stabilisieren und die Inflation zu verhindern sowie sein Innovationsniveau.

Foto von VCG

Am ersten Tag des Sommer-Davos wurde der Bericht „Chinas Fahrplan für die Entwicklung von umweltfreundlichem Wasserstoff“ veröffentlicht. 2022 stieg China im globalen Innovationsindex auf Platz elf und belegte damit den ersten Platz unter den Volkswirtschaften mit mittlerem Einkommen. In dem Maße, wie China die Entwicklung auf hohem Niveau vorantreibt und seine innovationsgetriebene Entwicklungsstrategie weiter umsetzt, werden weitere neue Impulse für das Wirtschaftswachstum freigesetzt.

Für globale Unternehmen ist China nicht nur eine „schöne Wachstumsstory“, sondern es bietet auch Chancen für gemeinsamen Gewinn. Während einige Stimmen im Westen auf eine „Entkopplung“ und ein „De-Risking“ von China drängen, zeigen die Aussagen der Wirtschaftsvertreter auf dem Forum, dass dies einer „De-Kooperation“ gleichkäme und einer „Entfernung von Chancen“ entspreche. Dies laufe den Gesetzen der Wirtschaft zuwider und sei inakzeptabel. In der heutigen hochgradig globalisierten Welt sind Nicht-Entwicklung und Nicht-Kooperation die wahren Risiken. Das Weltwirtschaftsforum prognostizierte, dass die Welt sieben Prozent bis neun Prozent des globalen Bruttoinlandsprodukts verlieren würde, wenn es zu einer „Entkopplung“ käme.

China weitet seine Öffnung nach außen aus und lässt die Welt am Kuchen der eigenen Entwicklung teilhaben. Die Volksrepublik liberalisiert den Marktzugang in Bereichen wie moderne Dienstleistungen weiter, baut die institutionelle Öffnung aus und stärkt den Schutz geistiger Eigentumsrechte, wodurch Unternehmen aller Art mehr Unterstützung für ihre Entwicklung erhalten werden.

(Quelle: CRI Deutsch, VCG)