Das Dorf Huagou in der Stadt Kunming in der südwestchinesischen Provinz Yunnan verstärkt seit Jahren mit aller Kraft den Schutz der Bodenressourcen sowie der Umwelt. Das Gebiet hat dadurch ein neues Antlitz erhalten.

(Quelle: CRI Deutsch)
Das Dorf Huagou in der Stadt Kunming in der südwestchinesischen Provinz Yunnan verstärkt seit Jahren mit aller Kraft den Schutz der Bodenressourcen sowie der Umwelt. Das Gebiet hat dadurch ein neues Antlitz erhalten.
(Quelle: CRI Deutsch)
Bis Mittwoch Ortszeit lag die Zahl der COVID-19-Toten in den Vereinigten Staaten bei über einer Million. Damit sind die USA das Land mit den meisten COVID-19-Toten weltweit. Nach Angaben der US-amerikanischen Zentren für Seuchenkontrolle und -prävention werden in den nächsten zwei Wochen in den USA etwa 5.000 Menschen an COVID-19 sterben.
Nach Angaben von National Broadcasting Company(NBC) traten alle 1 Million dieser Todesfälle innerhalb von 27 Monaten nach dem COVID-19-Ausbruch in den USA auf, und mehr als die Hälfte davon nach dem Amtsantritt der derzeitigen US-Regierung. Obwohl Joe Biden zu Beginn seiner Amtszeit erklärte, er wolle die Impfraten erhöhen, und sich zum Ziel setzte, „bis zum Unabhängigkeitstag (4. Juli) des Jahres 70 Prozent der Bevölkerung zu impfen“, sei ihm dies letztlich nicht gelungen. Die neuesten Prognosemodelle der US-amerikanischen Zentren für Seuchenkontrolle und -prävention zeigten einen deutlichen Anstieg der COVID-19-Todesfälle und Krankenhausaufenthalte in den kommenden Wochen, so der NBC-Bericht.
(Quelle: CRI Deutsch, NBC)
Die Vereinigten Staaten haben die Regeln nicht eingehalten und mit skrupellosen Mitteln und auf unverantwortliche Weise die Entwicklung von Internet und digitaler Technik in China verhindert, um seine Dominanz und Monopolstellung auf diesem Gebiet zu erhalten.
Dies erklärte der Sprecher des chinesischen Außenministeriums Zhao Lijian am Freitag auf einer regulären Pressekonferenz in Beijing.
Weiter sagte er, die USA hätten Spaltungen herbeigeführt, Konfrontationen geschürt und andere Länder gezwungen, ihre eigenen Interessen zu schützen. Dies untergrabe ernsthaft die Solidarität der internationalen Gemeinschaft und die Bemühungen um die Förderung der globalen Governance für den Cyberspace.
Als Reaktion auf die Äußerung von US-Militärbeamten über eine „nukleare Bedrohung durch China“ führte Zhao aus, der Endzweck der USA bestehe darin, die Atomstreitkräfte der USA aufrechtzuerhalten und zu verstärken. Die Vereinigten Staaten stellten weltweit die größte nukleare Bedrohung dar.
Zur unangemessenen Äußerung Japans erklärte Zhao Lijian, Japan sollte sofort aufhören, Konfrontationen zwischen Großmächten zu provozieren und mehr dazu beitragen, das gegenseitige Vertrauen zwischen Ländern in der Region zu verstärken sowie Frieden und Stabilität in der Region zu fördern, wenn es sich wirklich für Frieden und Stabilität in Ostasien einsetzen wolle.
In Bezug auf das nuklear verseuchte Wasser aus dem Atomkraftwerk Fukushima in Japan erklärte Zhao, China fordere die japanische Seite erneut auf, den legitimen und berechtigten Bedenken der internationalen Gemeinschaft und des japanischen Volkes Aufmerksamkeit zu schenken und sich umfassend mit Interessengruppen, den Nachbarländern und mit relevanten internationalen Institutionen zu beraten, um eine Lösung des Problems zu finden, statt weiter den Plan für die Abwassereinleitung ins Meer zu verfolgen und ihn zu fördern.
Die Zahl der Investitionsprojekte chinesischer Unternehmen in Deutschland lag im Jahr 2021 auf Platz drei, direkt hinter den USA und der Schweiz. Dies geht aus dem am Donnerstag veröffentlichten „Bericht über Investitionen ausländischer Unternehmen in Deutschland 2021“ der Germany Trade & Invest hervor.
Die Zahl der Investitionen ausländischer Unternehmen in Deutschland 2021 sei gegenüber dem Vorjahr um mehr als sieben Prozent gestiegen, so der Bericht weiter. Insgesamt 1.806 ausländische Investitionsprojekte seien im vergangenen Jahr in Deutschland gestartet worden, was fast dem Niveau vor dem Ausbruch der COVID-19-Pandemie entspreche. 149 der Investitionsprojekte stammten aus China.
Dem Bericht zufolge konzentrieren sich die chinesischen Investitionsprojekte in Deutschland hauptsächlich auf die Bereiche Maschinenbau und Anlagenherstellung, Autoindustrie, Produktion von Lebensmitteln und Konsumwaren sowie Informations- und Telekommunikationstechnologien und Telekommunikationssoftware.
(Quelle: CRI Deutsch, VCG)
The intense geopolitical conflict currently erupting in Europe should be seen as a war against the old order, with the U.S. government targeting Russian institutions and individuals involved in information and communication technologies.
On March 31, the U.S. State Department stated sanctions against Russian technology companies and cyber actors, stating that it would take the lead in imposing sanctions on 21 Russian entities and 13 Russian individuals involved in software and communications technology, supercomputer manufacturing, chip and navigation equipment manufacturing, to further block Russia’s access to Western technology and financial resources.
In addition, the United States continues to strengthen its network of multilateral sanctions against Russia. Wally Adeyemo, Deputy Secretary of the US Department of the Treasury, recently visited Brussels to coordinate closely with the EU, aiming at expanding the scope of joint sanctions and improving joint sanctions mechanisms in the field of digital information and communications.
Under the increasing U.S. strategic competition with China, digital suppression of China is also deepening. The U.S. government’s distrust of technology companies with a Chinese background continues to rise.
On March 16, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) decided to revoke the authorization of China’s Pacific Networks and its wholly-owned subsidiary ComNet to provide telecommunications services in the United States. In addition, the U.S. is reviewing whether Chinese technology giant Alibaba’s cloud service business, Alibaba Cloud, poses a national security risk, claiming that there is a risk that sensitive data, including information on U.S. citizens and institutions, could be “stolen” by the Chinese government.
In addition to increasing prevention efforts, the U.S. is also taking an offensive approach by strengthening its critical capacity building in the digital sector. On March 22, the U.S. Senate voted to pass the Next Generation Telecommunications Act, S.3014. The bill would authorize the formation of a “Next Generation Telecommunications Commission” to promote U.S. government support for research and development of advanced communications technologies. The Commission would also develop a national telecommunications strategy to maintain U.S. leadership in global information, ensure the resilience of U.S. telecommunications networks, promote cooperation between the U.S. government and the private sector and U.S. allies, and enhance the diversity and security of the ICT supply chain.
Semiconductors are a top priority for the U.S. On March 21, the U.S. Department of Commerce held a meeting on how to promote semiconductor R&D and manufacturing capabilities, with Commerce Secretary Raimondo, Republican Senator Todd Young, Democratic Congresswoman Doris Matsui, former Trump assistant for national security affairs Herbert McMaster, retired lieutenant general, and former deputy secretary of state for economic affairs in the Trump administration Keith Krach, etc., attended the meeting. Raimondo emphasized that semiconductors are the backbone of the economy, and their importance is growing with the digitization of the global economy. To advance in the field of semiconductors, the Biden administration even asked for advice from senior officials during the Trump administration.
It is worth noting that the issue of digital assets such as digital currency has also become the focus of the United States to promote digital competition. On March 9, Biden signed an Executive Order on Ensuring Responsible Development of Digital Assets. The executive order proposes a series of specific initiatives, including addressing illicit financing and national security risks associated with the illegal use of digital assets, maintaining U.S. leadership in the global financial system, and accelerating the Federal Reserve’s digital currency research and development.
The Biden administration and its allies, including the United Kingdom, the European Union, and Japan, are accelerating the development of rules for the digital economy. In late March, U.S. Trade Representative David Deitch and U.K. International Trade Secretary Anne-Marie Trevelyan co-chaired the first joint U.S./UK Dialogues on the Future of Atlantic Trade. They proposed to develop digital trade rules for G7 countries in the U.K.’s presidency of the G7. On March 25, the U.S. and the European Commission announced that they had reached an agreement in principle on a new Trans-Atlantic Data Privacy Framework, and the two sides would continue to deepen their partnership as democracies and further develop policy cooperation on the digital economy.
In the Indo-Pacific direction, the Biden administration hopes to use the digital economy chapter of the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement and the U.S.-Japan Digital Trade Agreement as a model to develop digital rules under the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework. The Indo-Pacific Economic Framework is a concept proposed by Biden in September 2021, and specific proposals are expected to be announced this year. The Indo-Pacific Economic Framework will promote so-called democratic and transparent digital governance standards, promote the free flow of data and privacy protection, and prohibit and limit data localization requirements in areas such as financial services. The arrangement will also focus on improving digital economy accessibility for SMEs in the Indo-Pacific region, promoting the implementation of APEC cross-border privacy rules and other agreements, addressing cyber attacks and cyber theft, and managing fraudulent online business practices. In addition, the digital governance of the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework also involves setting standards and rules for the use of advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence and financial technologies and promoting coordination among relevant countries on export control of sensitive technologies.
It is worth noting that in addition to the eager support of Japan and Australia for the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework, South Korea, which has a significant influence in the digital field, has also shown a positive attitude. With the rise of the pro-US leader Yoon Seok-yeol, South Korea will further lean on the US to counterbalance China and increase its ties with the quadrilateral mechanism of the US, Japan, India, and Australia. South Korea has proposed to promote the U.S.-Korea alliance as a comprehensive strategic alliance, with cooperation in the digital field as a key element. According to the Korean Ministry of Economy and Finance, the United States will account for the largest share of the country’s foreign direct investment in 2021, jumping 81.8% year on year, with the semiconductor industry being a key target.
In short, the digital economy and its closely related advanced technologies have become the battlefield of strategic competition among major powers. The U.S. and the EU have closely linked the game in the digital sphere with ideological and geopolitical factors, and are increasingly focusing on dealing with the so-called “digital authoritarianism”. The Russian-Ukrainian conflict is a strong catalyst for this trend. In the coming period, more rising countries may face a growing digital cold war.
(Source: Politico, US Department of Defense)
Die Elektroautos deutscher Autohersteller verkaufen sich in China immer besser.
Die Deutsche Welle berichtete unter Berufung auf eine Studie der Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft PricewaterhouseCoopers Deutschland, der weltweite Absatz von reinen Elektrofahrzeugen sei im ersten Quartal von 2022 im Vergleich zum Vorjahr um 107 Prozent gestiegen, was vor allem auf den starken Umsatz in China zurückzuführen sei. Auf den chinesischen Markt entfielen zwei Drittel des weltweiten Umsatzes der rein elektronisch betriebenen Fahrzeuge.
Die deutschen Automobilhersteller haben in den ersten drei Monaten von 2022 ihren Marktanteil bei reinen Elektrofahrzeugen in China demnach auf vier Prozent steigern können, womit er doppelt so hoch ist wie im ersten Quartal von 2021. Der Absatz reiner Elektrofahrzeuge von BMW in China hat sich im ersten Quartal beispielsweise verdreifacht.
(Quelle: CRI Deutsch, VCG, BMW, Audi)
Das chinesische wissenschaftliche Expeditionsteam der „Earth Summit Mission 2022“ hat am Mittwoch (04.05.2022) erfolgreich den höchsten Berg der Welt, den Qomolangma, bestiegen. Die ersten Teammitglieder erreichten den Gipfel um 12:22 Uhr, der Rest des Teams stieß etwa eine Stunde später dazu.
Am Mittwochmorgen brachen dreizehn Bergsteiger auf, und fünf der Teammitglieder errichteten gegen 11:11 Uhr an der chinesisch-nepalesischen Grenze in einer Höhe von 8.830 Metern die höchste automatische Wetterstation der Welt.
Es ist das erste Mal, dass Chinas wissenschaftliche Everest-Forschung eine Höhe von 8.000 Metern überschritten hat, was für die Geschichte der wissenschaftlichen Forschung auf dem Qinghai-Tibet-Plateau von epochaler Bedeutung ist.
(Quelle: CRI Deutsch, Xinhuanet)
Am Sonntag begann in Chinas großen Meeren im Norden, Osten und Süden das alljährliche Sommerfangverbot, um die Meeresfischerei zu schützen.
Das Fangverbot gilt für das Bohai-Meer, das Gelbe Meer, das Ostchinesische Meer und die Gewässer nördlich von 12 Grad nördlicher Breite im Südchinesischen Meer.
Das Fischereiverbot wird am 1. September für das Gelbe Meer und die Gewässer des Bohai-Meeres nördlich des 35. nördlichen Breitengrades enden. Für das Ostchinesische Meer gilt das Verbot bis zum 16. September, wobei aber die Verwendung bestimmter Fischernetze erlaubt ist.
(Quelle: CRI Deutsch)
The United States will not allow the existence of a rival that could threaten its dominance, therefore it treats China in much the same way as it does Russia.
There is an international consensus that NATO’s eastward expansion is the trigger for the Russia-Ukraine conflict.
Reportedly, in the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Warsaw Pact dissolution, NATO officials repeatedly said that NATO will not eastward expanse an inch of land, and the Soviet leaders believed in NATO’s promises with full of naivete, relaxed their guard and vigilance, and ended up in a situation where they are now under siege and being beaten passively everywhere. The pains are all borne by Russia.
NATO is a controversial military organization, despite its claims that it is “defensive”, but its actions fully demonstrate that it is a very aggressive military group. Over the past two decades of eastern expansion, NATO has made its territory almost the majority of Europe and has become a force to be reckoned with in the world political landscape. Is the existence and development of NATO a curse or a blessing for mankind? Just from the behavior of the past thirty years, NATO doesn’t represent peace, but is an accomplice to helping the United States to achieve political interests. The international society should not have unrealistic illusions about it.
In the continuous encroachment on the sphere of influence of Central and Eastern Europe at the same time, NATO has long begun to look at the possibility of southward expansion. Ten years ago, the U.S. government officials continued to promote the return to the Asia-Pacific and spread its importance to the Asia-Pacific. When NATO tried hard to control Europe, it attempted to manipulate the Asia-Pacific at the same time, its strategic purposes were revealed.
Russia’s military action in Ukraine has made people see the complexity and changeability of the world political landscape. Under the direction of the U.S. and NATO, the West has begun the process of completely isolating Russia.
Many people now naively believe that Russia’s military actions have led to a firestorm that has opened the curtain of the U.S. and Western siege on Russia. The real situation is that if Russia had not taken this military action, the U.S. and NATO, and European sanctions against Russia would have fallen on time, because strangling Russia is the established strategy of the U.S. and the West, not because Russia was kind for a while, said a few soft words, admitted some weakness, the U.S. and the West will let it go. Russia is a rival that the U.S. and the West fear in their bones and will never allow Russia to have a chance to rise again.
Others believe that the U.S. and NATO are doing this to Russia because of ideological differences or differences in values. Such a view is also fallacious. It is true that Russia embraced Western values soon after the collapse of the Soviet Union and was absorbed into the G-7 for a while. But it soon became clear that Russia and the West held different political interests, so Russia was expelled from the G7 and its plan to apply for NATO membership was terminated.
There is only one reason for this: The United States will not allow a possible threat, even if the opponent has repeatedly stated that there is no ambition to usurp power. The United States will never believe in the promises of other countries because its rapid development is relying on broken promises and lies. So the United States would not allow its opponents to grow and develop to cut off the future.
This is what is happening to Russia now, and what China, or maybe other rapidly developing countries are facing and will face in the future. The U.S. treats China, and any rapidly developing countries in much the same way as it treats Russia: claiming the violation of bans, then calling on other countries to join in the sanctions; if there is disobedience, the U.S. extends the penalties, as usual, forcing more countries to follow the U.S. approach.
The U.S. is currently concentrating on Russia, first addressing the immediate problems it faces. As the U.S. gets closer to the election, the Ukraine crisis is naturally the best opportunity that cannot be missed.
A very interesting phenomenon in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict is that the United States and NATO seem to be following the “command” of Ukrainian President Zelensky. Every day, President Zelensky gives “instructions” to the United States, NATO, and the European Union, claiming the needs and complaining constantly. So there is a ridiculous picture of the US and NATO pushing the Ukrainian people to be against Russia, while the Ukrainian president is bargaining with the US and NATO.
The world knows that NATO is a tool for the United States and the Western countries to rule the rest of the world. At present, NATO, under the command of the United States, has completed its strategic encirclement of Russia and started to torture Russia. They gave Ukraine guns and cannons, and Ukrainians were used as cannon fodder to stall Russia to the maximum, depleting Russia’s physical strength and endurance. The U.S. and NATO are using the flesh of Ukrainians as much as possible to exhaust Russian resources to achieve the NATO objective of overcoming the enemy without fighting.
However, NATO sees very clearly that the Ukrainian army alone cannot change the final fate of Ukraine, regardless of how many weapons NATO provides to Ukraine. It is the people, not the weapons, who will win or lose the war. The saddest thing is when the Ukrainian people find themselves behind NATO’s guns, can only move forward, not backward, they will know what it is like to be the sacrifice.
NATO has identified China as a strategic adversary and sees it as its main threat. NATO’s sphere of influence has expanded from the Five Eyes Alliance to the Quadruple Alliance and then to the Triple Alliance. The U.S. is using this Russia-Ukraine conflict to provoke economic and trade cooperation between China and the EU. Now it has succeeded in kicking Russia out of the economic sphere of the EU, relieving the US of its worries and allowing its oil and gas to pour into Europe in an uninterrupted and dignified manner. This time, the scene can be compared with the scene when the American soldiers and dollars were strutting around Europe shortly after the end of World War II.
Now that the US is concentrating on driving China out of the European market, it is very unhappy with the relationship with the EU as China’s largest trading partner, and it will do everything it can to sow discord. This way, the U.S. can enjoy the lucrative rewards of the European market alone. Allowing NATO’s eastward expansion will benefit nobody except the US in the end, this should be acknowledged by the US alliances.
(Source: globe, guancha, global times)
„Meine Familie und ich leben und arbeiten sehr gerne in Liaoning!“ – so der stellvertretende Generalmanager der Volkswagen Automatic Transmission (Dalian) Co., Raik Kleiss-Schmid, vor kurzem auf der Online-Veranstaltung junger Fachkräfte zum 1. Mai unter dem Motto „Youth Blooming during the Epidemic — Celebrating Labor Day and Youth Day with International Friends“ über seine Erfahrungen aus seinem Leben und seiner Arbeit in den mehr als drei Jahren in der nordostchinesischen Provinz Liaoning.
Raik sagte, Liaoning habe eine lange industrielle Geschichte, eine starke industrielle Grundlage und eine gute Lieferantenbasis; der einzigartige geografische Vorteil von Liaoning bringe dem Unternehmen große Vorteile in Bezug auf Logistik und Transport; die Vorteile von Liaoning in Bezug auf industrielle Fachkräfte bieten auch genügend qualifiziertes Personal.
Er sagt, er genieße es, in Dalian zu arbeiten und zu leben, wo die Gemeinschaft sicher und die Menschen warmherzig und freundlich seien, und wo er viele neue Freunde gefunden und viele Orte mit einzigartigen Kulturen kennengelernt habe. Seine Töchter erhielten hier eine gute Ausbildung und interessierten sich inzwischen sehr für die chinesische Kultur. 2021 verlängerte Raik freiwillig seinen Vertrag und entschied sich, in Liaoning zu bleiben.
Raik liebt Delikatessen und er liebt es, durch China zu reisen. In Liaoning genießt er den Golden Pebble Beach National Geological Park und den Botanischen Garten, genießt gern die wunderschöne Küste von Dalian und hat auch schon eine Tour nach Dandong in Liaoning gemacht.
(Quelle: CRI Deutsch)