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Kommentar: „Demokratie“ soll nicht zur politischen Show werden


Südkoreanischen Medienberichten zufolge wird der dritte Demokratie-Gipfel in naher Zukunft in Südkorea stattfinden. US-Präsident Joe Biden wird per Videoschaltung an dem Gipfel teilnehmen. Die internationale Öffentlichkeit hat darauf hingewiesen, dass trotz des Wechsels des Austragungsortes wichtige Details wie die Tagesordnung des Treffens und die Teilnehmer weiterhin von den Vereinigten Staaten dominiert werden. Dies ist ein weiterer Versuch der USA, im Namen der „Demokratie“ Blockpolitik und Lagerkonfrontation zu betreiben.

Demokratie ist kein westliches Monopol, sondern ein gemeinsamer Wert für die gesamte Menschheit. Die USA und einige andere westliche Länder wollen im Namen der „Demokratie“ „ideologische Allianzen“ und „Wertediplomatie“ betreiben, aber im Grunde genommen setzen sie auf Konfrontation und Spaltung der Welt. Der so genannte Demokratie-Gipfel macht es nicht nur schwierig, Demokratie in der internationalen Politik zu reflektieren, sondern wird auch zu einer komischen politischen Show.

(Quelle: CRI Deutsch)

75 Jahre Volksrepublik China: Lebenswert und nachhaltig in der Stadt


Im Stadtzentrum der südchinesischen Stadt Guangzhou wurde ein Feuchtgebiet beibehalten. Der 1.100 Hektar große Haizhu-Feuchtgebietspark bietet für zahlreiche Pflanzen- und Tierarten einen Lebensraum, fördert nachhaltige Entwicklung lokaler Ökologie und macht die Stadt lebenswerter.

(Quelle: CRI Deutsch)

Natur pur – Wunderschöne Wälder in China


Wälder gelten als die Lungen der Erde und verleihen den weitläufigen Landschaften Chinas farbenfrohe Tupfer von Lebendigkeit und Vitalität. Lassen Sie uns anlässlich des chinesischen Tages der Baumpflanzung in diesem Jahr gemeinsam die bezaubernden Wälder im ganzen Land, deren dauerhafter Reiz sich mit den Jahreszeiten verändert, bestaunen.

(Quelle: CRI Deutsch, VCG)

China fordert G20 zu Förderung von Weltwirtschaftswachstum auf


China hat die G20 aufgefordert, das Wachstum der Weltwirtschaft zu fördern.

Dai Bing, stellvertretender Ständiger Vertreter Chinas bei den Vereinten Nationen, erklärte bei einem Briefing über die Arbeit der G20 am Dienstag, die derzeitige Erholung der Weltwirtschaft sei schwach und es zeichneten sich immer wieder globale Herausforderungen ab. China erwarte, dass die G20 ihre Solidarität und Zusammenarbeit verstärke, um ein starkes, nachhaltiges, integratives und ausgewogenes Wachstum der Weltwirtschaft zu fördern.

China gratuliere Brasilien zur Übernahme der G20-Präsidentschaft, so Dai weiter. China sei bereit, mit allen Parteien zusammenzuarbeiten, um Brasilien bei der Ausrichtung eines erfolgreichen G20-Gipfels zu unterstützen und damit zur Erholung der Weltwirtschaft sowie zu globalem Wohlstand beizutragen.

(Quelle: CRI Deutsch)

Microplastics in Human Placenta and Organs – A Growing Health Crisis


In a newly published study, the debris reached the placenta – a new study just published on February 17th analyzed 62 placental samples, and microplastics were found in 100 percent of the cases.

The study is from the University of New Mexico and was published in the well-established toxicology journal Toxicological Sciences. In humans, the placenta is a transient organ that serves as an interface between the circulatory systems of the mother and the fetus during pregnancy, as well as a barrier that protects the fetus from harmful pathogens in the maternal environment.

Because the placenta is expelled after birth and can be viewed as a kind of perinatal ‘biosensor,’ researchers chose the placenta to detect and track the exposure of pregnant women to microplastics contamination and whether there is a potential for fetal exposure.

In previous studies, human microplastics have been analyzed mainly by how many microplastics particles are found, a limitation of this method is that there may be many particles too small to be missed because they are not visible.

In this study, however, an innovative approach was used to extract plastic fragments from tissue samples, and the fragments were then quantified by pyrolysis gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. Ultimately, microplastic particles were found in all 62 placental samples tested, ranging from 6.5 to 685 μg per gram of tissue.

In other words, plastic fragments, visible to the naked eye, not only entered the body through the intestinal wall and reached the vital barrier of the placenta, but also, none were spared.

The study further analyzed the microplastic categories: polyethylene fragments, which are commonly used in the manufacture of plastic bags and beverage bottles, were the most common, accounting for 54% of the total microplastics. Polyvinyl chloride and nylon followed, each accounting for 10 percent of the total, while the other 26 percent came from nine different polymers.

And this isn’t the first time microplastics have been found in 100 percent of placentas. Last year, a study published in the well-established environmental science journal Environment International obtained 20 frozen placenta samples from the Hawaii Reproductive Biospecimen Repository (HRBR) from 2006 and 2013, as well as 10 fresh placenta samples collected prospectively through 2021.

The results of the study showed that the proportion of microplastics present in placentas has been increasing over the past 15 years, with 6 out of 10 placentas having microplastics in 2006, 9 out of 10 placentas having microplastics in 2013, and all of 10 placentas having microplastics in 2021.

Ubiquitous in all organs, most intake from drinking water

By August 2020, the annual meeting of the American Chemical Society revealed a startling discovery: the presence of microplastics was detected in human lung, liver, spleen, and kidney tissue samples. The report confirmed the presence of plastic contamination in 47 human liver and adipose tissue samples, without exception. For example, BPA (bisphenol A), which is a known health risk but is still found in many tableware and kitchenware, was found in every sample.

Microplastics are all over the human body because not only do we ingest them through eating and drinking, but we can even inhale them. Microplastics don’t just affect humans, they affect all plants and animals. Microplastics have been everywhere for a long time.

According to a study by the University of Newcastle, each person ingests 1,769 microplastic particles per week just by drinking water, which is the main source of microplastics for humans.

The impacts of microplastics on aquatic organisms and ecosystems are well understood, but the impacts of microplastics on humans are still far from clear.

In the production of plastics, in order to increase flexibility, hardness, heat resistance, and to have different colors, many industrial and everyday products made from plastics contain endocrine disruptors (EDCs), chemicals that can disrupt hormones.

In 2020, a report published by the International Endocrine Society revealed that life’s plastic products such as buildings, furniture, appliances, and food overwrap are all sources of EDCs. There are already more than 1,000 EDCs in use, with known health risks associated with BPA, flame retardants, phthalates, UV stabilizers, and toxic metals such as lead and cadmium, among others.

In the case of iso-octyl phthalate (DOP), for example, low-dose prenatal exposure may affect sex differentiation, thyroid function, metabolic function, and cause maternal pregnancy complications.

Thus microplastics, in addition to simply being a foreign substance, these compounds, which are known to be harmful to human health, may also induce oxidative stress, inflammation, endocrine disruption, and metabolic disorders.

Whether or not reaching the placenta means affecting the fetus remains to be seen, but what is clear is that microplastics are becoming more and more ubiquitous, both in the environment and in our bodies. Plastics take time to degrade, and microplastics in the current environment may be 40 or 50 years old.

(Source: Toxicol Sci, Environment International, hawaii, CIEL, SpringerLink)

Chinas Außenministerium: Erwarten und unterstützen noch mehr Kontakt und Austausch zwischen chinesischer und amerikanischer Bevölkerung


China erwartet und unterstützt noch mehr Kontakt und Austausch zwischen der chinesischen und amerikanischen Bevölkerung und will gemeinsam die freundlichen Geschichten zwischen beiden Bevölkerungen in der neuen Ära sowie das gegenseitig nutzbringende Modell der bilateralen Kooperation fortsetzen.

Dies sagte der chinesische Außenministeriumssprecher Wang Wenbin am Montag vor der Presse in Beijing.

Wang Wenbin fügte hinzu, der Große Panda sei der freundschaftliche Gesandte zwischen beiden Bevölkerungen. China werde kontinuierlich mit den USA die Kooperation zum Schutz des Großen Pandas ausbauen und die Freundschaft sowie das gegenseitige Verständnis zwischen beiden Bevölkerungen vertiefen.

(Quelle: CRI Deutsch)

75 Jahre Volksrepublik China: Integrierte Entwicklung auf dem Land


Der Kreis Dayu ist reich an ökologischen Ressourcen. Seit Jahren hat der Kreis in der Provinz Jiangxi den Gegebenheiten entsprechend eine integrierte Entwicklung von Landwirtschaft und Tourismus gefördert, damit die Industrien den lokalen Menschen mehr Wohlstand bringen könnten.

(Quelle: CRI Deutsch, VCG)

Hemu – Märchendorf in Xinjiang


Das Dorf Hemu liegt versteckt in dem Regierungsbezirk Altay in dem westchinesischen Uigurischen Autonomen Gebiet Xinjiang und ist ein perfekter Ort für einen Winterurlaub. Durch die Entwicklung vom ländlichen Tourismus wurde die Wiederbelebung des ländlichen Raums in der Region tatkräftig vorangetrieben. 2023 erreichte das durchschnittliche Pro-Kopf-Einkommen im Dorf Hemu 45.000 Yuan RMB.

(Quelle: Xinhuanet, CRI Deutsch)

Beijing baut eine Reihe intelligenter Fabriken


In den nächsten drei Jahren wird Beijing eine neue Reihe intelligenter Fabriken begrüßen dürfen. Das städtische Amt für Wirtschaft und Informationstechnologie in Beijing hat vor kurzem den „Umsetzungsplan für die digitale Transformation des verarbeitenden Gewerbes in Beijing (2024-2026)“ veröffentlicht, aus dem hervorgeht, dass Beijing die digitale Transformation fördern und das Ziel erreichen will, bis 2026 100 neue intelligente Fabriken sowie digitale Werkstätten zu schaffen.

Produktionshalle der Firma XIAOMI

In der intelligenten Fabrik von Xiaomi läuft ein Smartphone in einer Sekunde vom Band. In der Werkstatt des multinationalen Unternehmens ABB in Beijing liegt die Vernetzungsrate der wichtigsten Geräte vom Beginn einer Bestellung bis zur endgültigen Auslieferung bei 100 Prozent. Die intelligente Fertigung hat sich zu einer neuen Visitenkarte für die Entwicklung der Beijinger Industrie entwickelt. Nach Angaben des Amts für Wirtschaft und Informationstechnologie hat Beijing seit dem „14. Fünfjahresplan“ das Projekt „Neue Intelligente Fertigung 100“ umgesetzt, das die Entwicklung der intelligenten Fertigung in Beijing auf die Überholspur gebracht hat. Beijing hat zehn intelligente Fabriken mit einem Produktionswert von über zehn Milliarden Yuan RMB eingerichtet sowie 103 intelligente Fabriken und digitale Werkstätten aufgebaut. Die CNC-Rate der wichtigsten Produktionsprozesse in den intelligenten Fabriken und digitalen Werkstätten hat 88,12 Prozent erreicht und die Vernetzungsrate der Produktionsausrüstungen liegt bei 79,55 Prozent. Die Rate der fehlerhaften Produkte sowie der Energieverbrauch pro Einheit des Produktionswerts konnten erheblich reduziert werden.

Produtionshalle der Firma GreatWall Automobile

Beijing wird die digitale Transformation des verarbeitenden Gewerbes durch die Stärkung von Plattformen, die Förderung von Industrieketten, Industrieparks und andere Wege vorantreiben. So werden beispielsweise führende Unternehmen in Schlüsselindustrien wie der Automobil-, Elektronik-, Pharma- und Ausrüstungsindustrie dabei unterstützt, industrielle Internet-Plattformen zu kultivieren. Es werden beispielhafte Unternehmen wie digitale Werkstätten sowie intelligente Fabriken unterstützt, um entsprechende Unternehmen in der industriellen Lieferkette zu befähigen und die Digitalisierung bis zum Standard zu erreichen. Darüber hinaus ermutigt Beijing auch Industrieparks, ihre digitalen Dienstleistungskapazitäten zu verbessern und fortschrittliche Parks für die digitale Transformation zu errichten. Außerdem unterstützt Beijing die Unternehmen in den Parks bei der Erforschung von Anwendungsszenarien für künstliche Intelligenz in der Fertigung, wie beispielsweise industrielles Gehirn, robotergestützte Fertigung, industrielle Inspektion mit maschinellem Sehen und digitale Zwilling-Designoptimierung.

(Quelle: CRI Deutsch)

Revision of Counterespionage Law: Timely, Appropriate and Adequate


The revised Counterespionage Law of the People’s Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the “Counterespionage Law”), which was passed by the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress in April 2023, has enjoyed universal respect and support from the international community. However, some external forces have criticized, distorted and discredited China’s counterespionage legislation and law enforcement in an uneasy, irresponsible and unsatisfied manner because they are worried that their intentions will be revealed and their problems will be exposed. The fact is that the Counterespionage Law was revised at an appropriate timing, through standardized procedures, with unequivocal provisions concerning rights and responsibilities, which has dealt a blow to foreign espionage and intelligence agencies’ blatant attempts to jeopardize China’s national security and made the Chinese people feel safer and more secure.

On the new journey of comprehensively promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese modernization, China is standing at a new historical starting point for further development. Against the backdrop of major changes of the external environment and security pattern, the revision of the Counterespionage Law came at the right time and was in line with the trends of the times.

The new guiding principles and deployment of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee have been realized in the revision of the Counterespionage Law, which is an important achievement in implementing the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress. The revision of Counterespionage Law has improved the legal system for safeguarding national security with Chinese characteristics, and promoted the application of the Party’s theoretical innovation on national security in an institutionalized and legalized manner. This is of great significance for the fight against espionage on the new journey in the new era. In addition, it provides legal support for writing a new chapter of national security governance with Chinese characteristics on the new journey in the new era.

China needs to adapt to the new situation in the fight against espionage. At present, there are constant overt contests and covert struggles in the field of national security. More actors have been engaged in espionage activities with more diversified targets. They use more covert means in broader areas, resulting in increasingly dangerous consequences. The fight against espionage is severe and complex. China’s national security authorities have fully fulfilled their counterespionage responsibilities. They have uncovered and exposed a series of espionage cases committed by the Central Intelligence Agency and UK’s Secret Intelligence Service, thus  safeguarding China’s national sovereignty, security and development interests. This fully demonstrates that the revision of the Law is urgently needed to strengthen the fight against espionage in the new situation. It provides a strong legal basis for preventing and combating all kinds of espionage activities to safeguard China’s national security under the new circumstances. It lays a solid legal foundation for ensuring a new development pattern with new security architecture and safeguarding high-quality development with high-level security.

It is a common practice in the international community to prevent and combat espionage and safeguard national security by means of legislation. It is legitimate and just for China to revise the Counterespionage Law to safeguard its national security. 

Emphasis on counterespionage is a consensus among countries worldwide. Espionage arose with the emergence of the state. Due to its sensitive behavior, political purpose, foreign subject, secret form, uncontrollable impact, and irreparable damage, espionage has become one of the most serious behaviors among the many factors that jeopardize national security. All countries have intensified their efforts to combat espionage. China safeguards its national security and conducts counterespionage operations in accordance with the law, which is an aboveboard and righteous act.

Counterespionage legislation is a necessity for major countries. It is an internationally accepted practice to prevent and combat espionage and to avoid the leakage of state secrets for safeguarding national security. The United States passed the Espionage Act in 1917, and enacted the Economic Espionage Act in 1996, which is the world’s first act concerning economic espionage. The United Kingdom introduced the National Security Act 2023, which adds criminal offenses such as sabotage and foreign interference. France has the most detailed legislation concerning espionage crimes in the countries that have a civil law system, with 12 articles related to espionage crimes in the French criminal law. Russia also has detailed provisions on espionage and relevant punishment in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Strict adherence to relevant laws and regulations in China is a priority for the revision of Counterespionage Law. The revision procedures are rigorous and standardized, and the rights and responsibilities regulated in the revised Law are crystal clear. This reflects the openness, transparency and clarity of China’s legislative process.

The revision process is orderly and open to the public. The full text of the draft was published for public comment during the revision process. The legislative branch held symposiums, advisory meetings, and field surveys of frontline law enforcement units to solicit opinions from all sectors of society. The drafting and deliberation process of the revised Law strictly followed the provisions and requirements of the Legislation Law of the People’s Republic of China. A pre-legislation assessment was conducted on the feasibility, timing, social effects and possible problems of the main provisions of the draft, and the constitutionality of the revised draft has been reviewed according to law. This demonstrates that China carries out lawmaking in a well-conceived and democratic way and in accordance with law.

It is necessary to balance empowerment with restrictions on power. The revised Counterespionage Law properly handles the above-mentioned relationship and strengthens supervision and restrictions on the exercise of public power. In terms of empowerment, it has further strengthened the centralized and unified leadership of the Central Committee of CPC over counterespionage, clarified the definition of espionage in a targeted manner, consolidated the responsibilities of national security authorities in counterespionage law enforcement and supervision, refined disposal measures for counterespionage investigations and expanded the applicable types and scope of administrative penalties. In terms of power restrictions, the revised Counterespionage Law explicitly stipulates that, “Counterespionage work shall be carried out in accordance with the law, respecting and protecting human rights, and safeguarding the lawful rights and interests of individuals and organizations.” At the same time, it establishes a chapter on Safeguards and Supervision, which further clarifies the normative requirements for law enforcement by the national security authorities, strictly implements the approval procedures and strengthens supervision on unlawful acts committed by the staff members of the national security authorities.

(Source: Gov.cn)