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Coronavirus: Rising Financial And Economic Risks Need Stronger National And International Cooperation


The coronavirus outbreak has already brought considerable disruption globally in the economy and finance. During 2020, the majority of economies suffer continuous drops almost in every aspect of economic and financial performance.

Several shortly available vaccines provide the public an expectation to eliminate the negative effects of life from the pandemic and to recover the positive developments next year, but they may be failed, or at least can’t be satisfied within a short period since the pandemic is still out of control in the world with continuously increasing amounts of cases; the process of vaccination faces the challenges of the public trust in its overall effectiveness and safety, which is a protracted communication between the government and the public under uncertain but maybe slowly climbing rate of success. This uncertainty casts a shadow over the economic recovery in the world and promises a long-term fluctuation in the global financial market.

Source: Middle East Monitor

Many countries have adjusted their acknowledgment of the impacts derived from the ongoing pandemic, from a temporarily social health crisis along with periodically social development sacrifices to a permanently co-existential disease with the yearly social adjustment. The transformation of the view has to be led by necessary and essential measures in line with the local, national, and international levels.

Many people predicted correctly the occurrence of economic and financial difficulties due to the pandemic, and they related it to other four economic and financial catastrophes since the 20th century, which are the Great Depression from 1929 to 1939, the OPEC Oil Price Shock of 1973, the Asian Crisis of 1997, and the Financial Crisis from 2007 to 2008. The four crises had different triggers but all caused the individual and national debt accumulations, the shortages of supplies, the decreasing confidence and increasing panic in the financial market, the climbing unemployment rates and dropping incomes, etc., which are already performed during the pandemic. The similarities of some key risks among these crises have been well identified: Market risk, the risk of changing market conditions, such as the increasing tendency of online shopping during the pandemic. Credit risk, the risk of default on a debt, such as the owners of the restaurants fail to pay rents due to the decline of the customers under the lockdown. Liquidity risk, the risk of difficulties in raising the cashflows quickly, such as small companies can’t get funded quickly to pass the financial difficulties during the pandemic.

Source: Ingram Pinn/Financial Times

Based on several common features, adapting old measures can be helpful, but won’t be completely effective as besides them, the current crisis caused by the Coronavirus pandemic shows a different characteristic – economic structural imbalance, which requires the market to review this long existence but ignored problem.

Different countries have various advantageous industries, and three industrial evolutions accelerate the level of structural imbalance and bring greater differences between international import and outport. When China struggled with the domestic pandemic and reduced production in multiple industries, the remaining world also faced an urgent shortage of supplies.

Many countries blame the issue for China’s dominance in international trade, but we have to see it through that without China, other Southeastern Asian countries will have advantages in labor intensity in the future, it’s not about China, it’s about the economic structure, and China happens to play the international factory role these years. When the global economy runs well, then different types of economic structures can have win-win situations, but once the international cooperation is interrupted, then many economies face inevitable losses. For example, during the Coronavirus pandemic, without enough tourists, Venice lost economic vitality due to the high reliance on tourism, and France faced the shortage of Doliprane, the main medicine to ease the symptoms of Coronavirus, due to the factory shutdown in India and China. In practice, risk is hardly identified or noticed before its first occurrence, the stability and diversity of an economy directly affect its tolerance to economic and financial risks. The current discussion in the EU to lessen the reliance on international cooperation, and to strengthen the national conditions in economy and finance is an inspiration from this crisis. To do so surely protects the national interests for the short-term but may lose more interests for long as the adjustment of economic structural imbalances is a trade-off.

There isn’t an independent economy in economic and financial globalization, a national problem can develop into international trouble with firm experiences, but also national help can be accumulated and become a united international effort to pass the tough period. Separatism, no matter political, cultural, or economic, has been played enough this year, one power pulsing one power may not achieve a two effect, but one minus one leading to a worse result.

(Source: OECD / KPMG / Middle East Monitor / Financial Times)

Technology World Map: American Giants, Chinese Explorers, European Conservatism


No matter Europe accepts or not, it is lagging far behind in the digital era. While the Chinese technology companies develop rapidly and gradually win more market shares worldwide though under continuous suppression from the American government. Lack of digital advantages don’t provide Europe peace in the technological battleground, but only expose this weakness to the competitors and witness them tramping over it.

Europe achieved something in technology these years: Spotify in Sweden; Deliveroo in the UK; Auto 1 in Germany; Adyen in the Netherlands…but it’s not good enough when placing Europe’s advancements in the global market. In 2020, the world has 586 known unicorns – startups valued at least 0.83 billion euro, among them the US has 233 unicorns (39.8%), China has 227 unicorns (38.7%), and other 27 countries share the remaining 126 unicorns (21.5%), of which the UK placed the third with 24 unicorns, India listed fourth with 21, and South Korea fifth with 11.

“The US and China continue to dominate despite representing only 40% of the global GDP and 25% of the global population,” said Rupert Hoogewerf, chairman and chief researcher of Hurun Report, a luxury publishing group based in Shanghai, China. Though the US is a bit ahead of China, China owns the top four unicorns: Ant Group, the digital financial services serving Alibaba Group Holding, valued at 123.85 billion euro; ByteDance, owner of video-sharing platform TikTok, valued at 66.05 billion euro; Didi Chuxing, China’s biggest ride-hailing services provider, valued at 45.41 billion euro; Lufax Holding, online wealth management and peer-to-peer lending platform, valued at 31.37 billion euro.

80% of the global unicorns’ business is about e-commerce, fintech, AI, and Software. The US is always the heaven for technological innovations, and the Department of Commerce of the US reports that technologic innovation has strong interactions with the American economic growth since the end of WWII, and the Chinese government has encouraged and supported the research, development, and practice of technology for decades of years, so it’s not a surprise that the both dominate these businesses. “The rest of the world needs to wake up to provide an ecosystem that allows unicorns to flourish,” commented Hoogewerf.

Comparing to GAFA in the US, BATX in China, Europe doesn’t have any technology giants, which is often explained as the differences among the European countries bring significant difficulties to its integrating technological development. Many Europeans are opposed to innovation and refer it to unnecessary needs, it can be true for certain individuals, but not for a nation. “I know that some people do not agree with this… We are no longer living in times in which our economies can develop as if they were closed, as if talented people no longer moved around and as if entrepreneurs were tied to a post.,” worried Emmanuel Macron, the French president. The good reaction the EU gives is the RGPD, a regulatory framework to protect its digital sovereignty over foreign technology’s invasions.

RGPD is more about self-protection, to survive and to lead the race the EU needs to retrieve innovation. “We must drive this ambition, finance research in new areas such as AI, and accept risks,” suggest Macron.

Simply speaking, innovation is nothing less than the creation of new value for the world, but the process starts from the ideological level, which means an innovative society has innovative culture at first, a core direction Europe needs to head to.

Europe has a relatively strong social and national conservatism related to changes, to reverse such an attitude requires a long period. Clayton Daniel Mote Jr, President Emeritus of the National Academy of Engineering in the US, points out that effective innovation is successful at the organizational level. To be precise, if Europe wants to build an innovative environment, it needs to have strong leadership committed to innovation, to deploy minimal hierarchy in decision making, to value disparate talents and entrepreneurship, to move quickly but adapt readily, and to tolerate risk and failure. Among these suggestions, Europe has many to-be-done improvements.

Source: China Daily

In 1985, the Chinese government issued the “Decision on the Reform of the Science and Technology Management System”, since then the whole nation applies the following related decisions, and within 35 years China has achieved impressive success in innovation. It’s important to remark that American and Chinese policymakers can well implement a policy environment including financial market, education, tax, competition, regulatory, and labor policy. They can do so by ensuring that government agencies themselves realize the importance of the technological force to a nation for the long-term and they become early adopters and procurers of innovative technologies, and that is what Europe really needs to achieve now.

(Source: BusinessWorld / le monde / China Daily / yahoo.com)

«Der Renminbi wird zur neuen D-Mark»


Die Kapitalmärkte in den USA, Europa und Japan werden zunehmend verstaatlicht. Es drohen grosse Schäden für die Märkte. Nur die chinesische Zentralbank versucht derzeit, monetär die Zügel etwas anzuziehen.

Die chinesische Zentralbank sei nicht bereit, ihre Bilanz für Staatsausgaben und -schulden zu opfern. Der Renminbi werde deshalb aufgewertet.
Die chinesische Zentralbank sei nicht bereit, ihre Bilanz für Staatsausgaben und -schulden zu opfern. Der Renminbi werde deshalb aufgewertet.

Die Covid-19-Wirtschaftskrise fördert den Aktivismus der Notenbanken. Vorige Woche erhöhte die Europäische Zentralbank (EZB) ihren schon sehr hohen Einsatz, indem sie ein neues Paket in Form von zusätzlichen und länger laufenden Notfall-Wertpapierkäufen, zusätzlichen Liquiditätshilfen, gelockerten Sicherheiten für EZB-fähige Sicherheiten und erweiterten Swap-Fazilitäten mit anderen Notenbanken beschloss. Damit verlängert sie faktisch ihre Politik der Zinskurvenkontrolle. Marktteilnehmer gehen davon aus, dass die US-Notenbank nicht lange auf sich warten lassen und auf die steigenden Fallzahlen bzw. positiven Tests mit einer Ausweitung ihres Kaufprogramms reagieren wird – vielleicht schon diese Woche.

Kein Preis mehr für Risiken

Dabei sind die monetären Bedingungen bereits so locker wie noch nie. Michael Hartnett, der Anlagechef der Bank of America, hat nachgerechnet und ist zu erstaunlichen Ergebnissen gekommen: So kaufen die Notenbanken seit März im Durchschnitt alle 60 Minuten für 1,3 Mrd. $ Wertpapiere, seit Anfang des Jahres haben sie 190 Zinssenkungen vorgenommen, und als Folge ihrer Massnahmen übertrifft die Summe der negativ verzinsten Anleihen mit über 18 Bio. $ den alten Rekord von 2016 komfortabel. Der Gesamt-Stimulus in Ländern und Regionen, in denen die Unterstützung mindestens 20% des Bruttoinlandproduktes entspricht, addiert sich auf mehr als 20 Bio. $, aufgeteilt in über 12 Bio. $ fiskalische und über 8 Bio. $ monetäre Hilfe.

Die Notenbanken treiben die Verstaatlichung der Kapitalmärkte in den USA, Europa und Japan (dort auch die des Aktienmarktes) immer weiter voran mit dem Ziel, inflationär wirkende Staatsausgaben, unlimitierte Haushaltsdefizite und die Realisierung der Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) zu unterstützen, wie Hartnett in seinem neusten Bericht schreibt. Dabei tolerierten sie fortgesetzte Kurs- und Preisblasen von Vermögenswerten als «Brücken» zu kräftigerem Wirtschaftswachstum und geringerer Arbeitslosigkeit. Einzig die chinesische Zentralbank bemühe sich, monetär die Zügel anzuziehen, denn sie sei nicht bereit, ihre Bilanz für Staatsausgaben und -schulden zu opfern. Der Renminbi werde deshalb aufgewertet; er sei die neue D-Mark.

Kommentatoren wie der Heisenberg Report betonen, dass die Kapitalmärkte den mit den steigenden Staatsschulden verbundenen Risiken keinen Preis mehr zuordnen. Eines der jüngsten Beispiele seien die Anleihen Portugals, deren Rendite bei einer Laufzeit von zehn Jahren unter null gefallen ist. Italienische Staatsanleihen mit einer Laufzeit von fünf Jahren sind ebenfalls unter null gefallen; sie betrugen im März noch mehr als 2,5%. Offensichtlich stört die Marktteilnehmer nicht, dass erst vor kurzem Riccardo Fraccaro, Berater von Regierungschef Giuseppe Conte, vorgeschlagen hatte, die EZB solle als Unterstützung der Stimulierungsbemühungen die Annullierung von Staatsanleihen prüfen.

Je intensiver die Notenbanken intervenieren, desto heftiger können die Schäden für Märkte sein. Am ausgeprägtesten ist diese Entwicklung in Japan, wo bereits 2012 mit der quantitativen Lockerung und 2016 mit der Zinskurvensteuerung begonnen worden war. Jetzt findet praktisch kein Handel mit Anleihen mehr statt, bei dem nicht die Bank von Japan involviert ist, auch ist die Marktvolatilität kollabiert, da die Notenbank faktisch der Preisfixierer ist. In der Euro-Zone sinke ebenso das Handelsvolumen, klagt Alessandro Tentori, Anlagechef der Axa Investment Managers, in einer «Bye Bye Bunds» getitelten Notiz. In der Tat dürfte die EZB Ende des nächsten Jahres gegen 43% aller deutschen Staatsanleihen und rund 40% der italienischen Staatsanleihen in ihrem Portefeuille zusammengekauft haben. Laut Axa ist das Volumen des Handels mit Bund-Futures um 62% eingebrochen, seit die EZB mit ihren Anleihenkäufen begonnen hat.

Auch die Bank für Internationalen Zahlungsausgleich (BIZ) vergibt keine guten Noten. In ihrem neusten Quartalbericht gibt die Organisation zu bedenken, dass die Wertpapierpreise zunehmend überreizt seien, da trotz Fortschritten bei der Entwicklung von Impfstoffen hohe Unsicherheiten bestünden. der Chefökonom Claudio Borio hält vor allem die trotz wachsender Verschuldung von Unternehmen auf einen Rekord gefallenen Renditen von «junk bonds» für bedenklich. Er erwartet weitere Unternehmenszusammenbrüche und einen Übergang der Krise von der Liquiditätsphase in die Solvenzphase.

Neues Geld für Anleihekäufe

Im kommenden Jahr wird weiter zusätzliche Liquidität entstehen, betont Matthew Hornbach, Zinsstratege von Morgan Stanley. Die G-10-Notenbanken werden 2,8 Bio. $ allein für Käufe von Regierungsanleihen ausgeben. Das Fed und die EZB stellen mit monatlichen Ausgaben von 120 Mrd. $ beziehungsweise umgerechnet 119 Mrd. $ den Löwenanteil. Die Bank von Japan und die Bank von England tragen mit kleineren, aber nicht unbedeutenden Summen von rund 26 Mrd. $ und 28 Mrd. $ pro Monat zu der fortgesetzten Liquiditätszufuhr bei. Anzunehmen, dass diese Entwicklung keinen weitreichenden Einfluss auf die Marktkurse haben werde, hält Hornbach für «seltsam».

(Quelle: www.nzz.ch/finanzen/zentralbanken-zunehmende-verstaatlichung-der-kapitalmaerkte-ld.1591999 / www.pbc.gov.cn)

The End Of Trump’s Term, The Beginning Of Trumps’ Exonerations


No matter how controversial and unsatisfied President Trump feels about the result of this election, he can’t continue another term and will leave the White House soon. The reasons he made so many efforts to stick to the position are complicated, surely there are reconciliations to handover the power, but the most crucial impact after he becomes an ordinary person will be investigations for multiple charges, such as insurance fraud, criminal tax evasion, grand larceny, etc., and the latest evidence indicates that his family members and trusted aides may contribute significantly in his cases.

A lawsuit launched by District of Columbia (DC) Attorney General Karl Racine alleges that Trump’s real estate business and other entities misused the funds to enrich the Trump family. In detail, the 58th Presidential Inaugural Committee, a tax-exempt non-profit organization that cooperated with the Trump family, is alleged to often overpay for event space at the Trump International Hotel in Washington. Once it even paid over $300,000 (€247,668) for a private event held by Trump’s three eldest children, Donald Junior, Ivanka and Eric at this hotel on 20 January 2017, the date of Trump’s inauguration, which means the Trump family embezzled public funds for private usage. Mr. Racine pointed out: “District law requires non-profits organizations to use their funds for their stated public purpose, not to benefit private individuals or companies.” His office has started to investigate related people including Trump’s three eldest children, Melania Trump, Thomas Barrack Junior, and the chairman of the inaugural committee.

Source: Chippewa Herald

On 3 December, Ivanka was interviewed for over five hours at the office of Mr. Racine and later she posted on Twitter that she had email proof to charge the event a fair market rate, but the whole case is more complex than that single event.

Trump’s inaugural committee raised $107 million, the largest amount ever according to the Federal Election Commission (FEC), an independent regulatory agency to disclose campaign finance information, to enforce the provisions of the law such as the limits and prohibitions on contributions, and to oversee the public funding of Presidential elections. Richard Gates, the former deputy chairman of the inaugural committee, was one of several Trump associated convicted for alleged Russian interference in the 2016 election. As Ivanka and her husband Jared Kushner work as senior advisers to Trump, and now they face problems of the misuse of the funds, the potential issues, and public doubts may develop seriously – what are the connections among the Trumps, the Trump’s business, the public funds, foreign relations, and the American interests?

Are the Trumps working on a greater America or a greater Trump’s family? Have they used, sacrificed, or even exchanged the national interests for family interests?

There hasn’t even a conclusion now, but Trump has discussed with advisers about the granted pre-emptive pardons to over twenty persons, including his family members, many trusted aides, and even himself. People on the list are all involved in federal or local cases with or without clear conclusions as they should be further and deeply investigated.

The U.S. Constitution grants the president the power to grant reprieves and pardons for offenses against the country, and no American president has ever tried to grant someone a pardon for crimes they even haven’t yet committed. Usually, the pardon has a long process through several departments to evaluate the severity and compliance, but Trump directly passes it as he doesn’t have enough time to go it through without a sure answer, and the Biden’s government may hinder his pardons, which means if one of Trump’s cronies is found guilty, other related ones will be in trouble as well, and as an ordinary person, Trump will be no longer helpful to expunge their charges, even himself could be one of the falling dominoes.

This action is interpreted as a group of defaults to all controversial crimes and unclear investigations of the Trumps and Trump’s arms. When the world thinks Trump is going to end badly, he shows the last and the most powerful card just one month before his end of the term.

Though Trump wants to grant pardons, there are many legal issues to achieve so. And it’s not sure whether he can pardon himself as in a brief 1974 legal memorandum written before President Nixon resigned over his position due to the Watergate scandal, the Justice Department said that a president can’t pardon himself since an old legal principle states that no one may be a judge in his own case. However, some legal experts argue about the principle for its timeliness and applicability.

Source: The Mercury News

The academic discussion of this issue gives more possibilities for Trump to reach his goals. There hasn’t an American president ever tried to pardon people with grants, nither to pardon themselves, but it doesn’t mean that it can’t happen to Trump. He has this right, and he will pursue it with the most effort. If he succeeds, all onging and following investigations have to be stopped, the only thing he lost is just the president position, and the least possibility he will get is jail – what many people expect for years.

(Source: BBC / The New York Times / The Mercury News)

Ein Grund, warum Sie dem Virus gegenüber widerstandsfähiger waren?


Pagode für ausgewogene Ernährung und weniger Fleisch!

Seit vier Jahren wird für eine Ernährung mit geringerem Fleischkonsum geworben, um eine gesündere Ernährung entsprechend der Hierarchie der Ernährungsbedürfnisse der „PAGODE“ zu erreichen.

Die von der Chinesischen Gesellschaft für Ernährung erarbeiteten „Ernährungsrichtlinien für die Einwohner Chinas (2016)“ (im Folgenden als „Ernährungsrichtlinien 2016“ bezeichnet) wurden am 13. Mai 2016 von der staatlichen Kommission für Gesundheit und Familienplanung veröffentlicht.

Dieses Jahr sind die praktischen Maßnahmen:

  1. Die neuesten wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse über Ernährung und Gesundheit finden und einordnen. Nach einer Literaturrecherche und Meta-Analyse wurde die evidenzbasierte Beziehung zwischen Ernährung und Gesundheit eingeordnet und bestimmt.
  2. Chinas Lebensmittelkonsum und den nationalen Gesundheitszustand analysieren und die Ernährungs- und Gesundheitsprobleme ermitteln, denen das Land Priorität einräumt. Den wissenschaftlichen Forschungsbericht 2021 zusammenfassen und abschließen.
  3. Expertenmeinungen und Verbraucheranregungen aus den Richtlinien 2016 prüfen und nachvollziehen und entsprechende Hinweise geben.
  4. Die Bedeutung von Nahrungsmitteln/Nährstoffen und der öffentlichen Gesundheit erforschen und klären sowie Erläuterungen und Anpassungen in Bezug auf Salz, Zucker, Cholesterin usw. vornehmen. Die ursprüngliche populärwissenschaftliche Version des Leitfadens 2021 wurde überarbeitet.
  5. Die unterstützende Rolle der Ernährungskultur für eine vernünftige Ernährung betonen, ökologische Unterstützung für gute Gewohnheiten wie Food Sharing anbieten, die der Verschwendung vorbeugen, und die Ernährungsempfehlungen optimieren.

Zum Thema Fleisch

Fleisch befindet sich nur auf der dritten Ebene der Pagode. Und beim Fleischkonsum in China zeichnet sich eine Revolution ab.

Tatsächlich ist die chinesische Regierung dabei, den Fleischkonsum um 50 % zu reduzieren, der vegane Markt soll bis 2023 auf ein Volumen von mehr als 12 Milliarden Dollar kommen!

Die Nassmärkte in China stehen ständig unter dem Verdacht, neue COVID-19-Hotspots zu schaffen, und dies führt zu einer Verlagerung hin zu pflanzlichen Alternativen. Die South China Morning Post berichtet, dass Chinas Markt für pflanzliche Produkte bis 2023 ein Volumen von 12 Milliarden Dollar erreichen wird, ausgehend von etwa 10 Milliarden Dollar im Jahr 2018.

China ist der größte Verbrauchermarkt der Welt, da so viele große Akteure im pflanzlichen Sektor China als Hauptziel für den Markteintritt identifiziert haben, darunter Beyond Meat und OmniPork. Der Eintritt dieser Schlüsselakteure in den chinesischen Markt hat das Interesse der Verbraucher geweckt, so dass auch lokale Unternehmen wie Zhenmeat von dieser Entwicklung profitieren können.

China selbst hat noch keine große pflanzenbasierte Lebensmittelindustrie, aber die Regierung plant, den Fleischkonsum des Landes bis 2030 um 50 % zu senken, um den Kohlenstoffausstoß zu reduzieren und Fettleibigkeit zu verhindern. Als Reaktion darauf hat sich der auf China fokussierte Impact-Investor Dao Foods International zum Ziel gesetzt, lokale Interessenvertreter aus China über pflanzliche Alternativen aufzuklären, wie in der „Plantbased Business Hour“ besprochen. Darüber hinaus wurde im April 2020 der Dao Foods Incubator ins Leben gerufen, der die Gründung von 30 Pflanzenunternehmen zum Aufbau der Industrie in China unterstützen soll.


Eine große Zusammenarbeit zwischen den USA und China

Die amerikanische Kampagne Beyond Meat kündigt die Einführung von Beyond Pork an, das speziell für den chinesischen Markt entwickelt wurde. Beyond Pork wurde für den chinesischen Markt entwickelt, um den Geschmack, die Textur und die kulinarische Vielseitigkeit von traditionellem Schweinefleisch nachzuahmen.

Dies folgt auf die Nachricht vom September dieses Jahres, dass Beyond Meat ein historisches Abkommen mit der Jiaxing Economic & Technological Development Zone unterzeichnet hat, um die Produktion von Fleisch auf pflanzlicher Basis auf den chinesischen Markt zu bringen, mit Plänen zum Bau von zwei Beyond Meat-Produktionsstätten in der Nähe von Shanghai.

Beyond Burger and Beyond Beef wurden auf dem chinesischen Festland erfolgreich eingeführt, zu einer Zeit, in der das Interesse an Fleisch auf pflanzlicher Basis in China und auf der ganzen Welt wächst. Schweinefleisch ist das beliebteste Fleisch in China, und das Land gehört zu den Ländern mit dem höchsten Schweinefleischkonsum der Welt, was es zu einem ausgezeichneten Standort für die Einführung von Beyond Pork macht.

Die Entwicklung von Beyond Pork war eine globale Zusammenarbeit zwischen engagierten Beyond Meat-Teams in Los Angeles und Shanghai. Darüber hinaus führte Beyond Meat mehrere sensorische Tests in China durch, um ein direktes Feedback der Verbraucher zu erhalten und das Produkt zu perfektionieren.

Ein GROSSER SCHRITT für die Gesundheit des chinesischen Volkes und auch für den Planeten!

(Quelle: BBC.com / dg.cnsoc.org / vegconomist.com)

The Deeper Cooperation Between Germany And France, The better Future Of the EU


Last week, Bruno Le Maire, the French Minister of the Economy, visited Berlin to discuss economic recovery plans with Peter Altmaier, the German Minister of the Economy and Energy. LesEchos, a daily financial newspaper in France, gave an interview with both to have an insightful understanding of several key issues that two nations and the EU need to deal with.

Source: La Tribune

Germany withstood the first wave of Covid-19 well, but France is currently doing better in stemming the spread of the pandemic. What do you learn from it?

Altmaier: The recipe for the success of Franco-German friendship is that we learn from each other. We must constantly adapt to this pandemic as it is an unprecedented situation. This is why Germany must now take additional measures, which will require considerable effort next year.

Le Maire: Germany and France have adopted the same economic responses: partial unemployment, loans guaranteed by the State, exemption from business charges and solidarity funds for SMEs and TPE. We have built a closer Franco-German cooperation and above all, a European economic model of solidarity in the face of the crisis.

Did Germany’s strict fiscal policy and the strength of its exports have decisive factors during this crisis?

Altmaier: We do indeed have a dynamic and efficient entrepreneurial fabric and we are reaping the fruits of the major reforms undertaken since the early 2000s. French economic dynamics are weaker because these reforms were initiated later. But since taking office, Bruno has put all his energy into consolidating public finances. I am confident that these efforts will have good results, just needs more time.

Le Maire: The reforms led for three years by Emmanuel Macron have yielded results: France had, at the start of 2020, one of the best levels of growth in the eurozone. The decisive question for the future of the EU is to return to sustainable growth. This implies the continuation of structural reforms and the rapid implementation of the recovery plan of 100 billion euros, which is mainly based on the decarbonization of the industry. We must count on very close cooperation with Germany, in particular in the industrial sectors. More Franco-German cooperation means more growth for the whole of Europe.

The EU has agreed to a €750 billion recovery plan, but Poland and Hungary are blocking it. Should other states renounce the principle of the rule of law to save that of solidarity?

Altmaier: Respecting law is part of the genetic heritage of the EU, and solidarity is more than ever necessary to get through the crisis together.

Le Maire: Poland and Hungary need the recovery fund and these countries are major beneficiaries of European funds. For the peoples and businesses of these two countries that the recovery plan and the European budget needs to be released as quickly as possible. Our unity is at stake. On the one hand, facing China, which could emerge as a winner from the crisis and which aims for greater autonomy. On the other hand, in the face of the crisis itself, which requires us to show solidarity. Do we want to stay in the global economic race? If this is the case, we need the European recovery plan to enter into force as soon as possible.

Do you fear a major wave of bankruptcies in the EU in the coming months which would lead to a new banking crisis?

Altmaier: We have learned the lessons of the 2008 financial crisis by reacting quickly and comprehensively. Despite the pandemic, the number of business bankruptcies has remained limited. The longer it lasts, the more we will have to face new bankruptcies. Germany learns the lessons of the last six weeks and definitively stops the second wave of the pandemic.

Le Maire.: We anticipate fewer bankruptcies in 2020 than in 2019. The State responded quickly and massively to protect our economy and provide the necessary liquidity for businesses. There are no particular concerns for the banks or for the deposits of savers. The latest reform which creates a safety net in the European Stability Mechanism provides an additional guarantee for savers.

Isn’t it time to speed up the Banking Union by agreeing on a European guarantee fund?

Altmaier: The backstop, with which we created the safety net that Bruno talks about, is already a historic compromise. The urgency is to preserve the economic substance of our companies. We must define the industrial priorities to be implemented in the coming months.

Le Maire: The priority is clear: to coordinate our economic policies. We need to strengthen even more this coordination. Beyond the immediate response to the crisis, we must not lose sight of the objective of integrating the eurozone. First on the Capital Markets Union and the Banking Union. The biotech sector, with the development of coronavirus vaccines involving billions of euros in investment, shows us how much innovation needs deep capital markets. Then on the continuation of work for the creation of a real budget for the eurozone.

The European budget needs new resources: does the European tax on digital services have a chance to see the light of day?

Altmaier: The EU’s new own resources will be all the more necessary as the European desire to achieve carbon neutrality in 2050 will require considerable resources.

Le Maire: The digital giants are the primary beneficiaries of the crisis and pay a much lower level of taxes than European small and medium-sized businesses. It is both unfair and profoundly ineffective. We continue to want an international solution as quickly as possible within the framework of the OECD for fair and efficient taxation of these giants. I hope the next American administration will help us with this. If this is not the case, the European Union will have to take its responsibilities and put in place European taxation.

You have increased the number of joint industrial policy initiatives. Is French interventionism winning over the German government?

Altmaier: What is great about Franco-German cooperation is that something new is created out of long-standing oppositions, which combines the strengths of both perspectives. Airbus was created in the 1960s because the State became an entrepreneur. Our new industrial policy combines State support for innovation and its implementation by private companies. In other words, the state supports private investment but does not replace it. There is also close cooperation between European partners.

Le Maire: We changed the political logic in a few months by investing heavily in critical technologies of the future. Take the batteries: until now, we sourced 85% from China or South Korea, from now on we will produce them ourselves in Europe from 2021. We want to do the same for semiconductors: today, Europe represents only 10% of the world market of 440 billion euros. We have agreed with Germany and 11 other EU countries to design and manufacture the chips that power our smartphones and computers in Europe. Likewise, thanks to the initiative that Peter has taken with Gaia-X, we will be able to store our sensitive data securely.

How much will it cost taxpayers before the European chip industry can compete with that of Asia and the United States? Is European sovereignty at this price?

Altmaier: We are not looking for self-sufficiency or autonomy, but we cannot accept that a large part of the creation of value in the fields of the future takes place completely outside Europe. This would have serious consequences for the prosperity of our countries. That is why we have decided to support private companies in selected fields and to create strong incentives for investment. State subsidies are still only a fraction in which companies themselves invest. This ensures that the principles of the market economy apply.

Le Maire: You are right, sovereignty has its price. But it allows us to continue to play a leading role in the global economy. We focus on strategic technologies in which Europe already has strong businesses. In the semiconductor sector, for example, I am thinking of STMicroelectronics, and in the hydrogen sector, I am thinking of Air Liquide.

Source: EIT Health

What do you expect from the Biden administration in terms of trade policy?

Altmaier: Our goal is to agree on a reliable outlook for Airbus as well as for Boeing. I think it will be important for our American friends to relaunch and deepen the Euro-American partnership. This includes solving the problems of the past.

Le Maire: We must leave the era of trade disputes between the EU and the States s United. We are partners, not adversaries. If, on the contrary, we continue to impose retaliation, there will be only one winner in the Airbus / Boeing case: the Chinese aircraft manufacturer Comac

Can the EU and the United States find a common line about China?

Altmaier: Europe cannot remain indifferent to the conflicts between the United States and China, its main trading partners. So we must not think in terms of alternatives but in terms of how to promote a fair and market-based world trade system. This includes making the World Trade Organization operational again.

Le Maire: The pandemic has confirmed to us that the sovereignty and autonomy of Europe are essential. The task will therefore be to relocate part of the value chains in Europe. I am thinking of the sectors that we have already talked about, batteries, semiconductors, or space. Finally, we must take climate objectives into account in the way we do business. Global warming is a fundamental challenge for all of us.

(Source: LesEchos / La Tribune / EIT Health / Financial Times)

Huawei Selling Honor, Not A Desperate Solution And Aims A Phoenix Nirvana For Both


Shenzhen Zhixin New Information Technology Company published a joint statement with undisclosed details on 17th November that Huawei Investment & Holding Company has decided to sell its entire Honor brand to the former, a consortium of over 30 agents and dealers of the Honor brand.


Huawei and Honor, established in 2013, are two brands within the Huawei Consumer Business Group but focus on different consumer segments and offer a different product to ensure brands’ competitive advantage in different market segments, which is called a dual-brand strategy, widely applied by Chinese technology companies to occupy market shares as more as possible.

From the outset, Honor was envisioned as a young, energetic, and internet-centric brand, aiming to create a better and accessible mobile internet experience for young generations. Similar market orientation to Xiaomi, Vivo, and Oppo, three main technology companies targeting the low- to mid-end national and international smartphone markets. While Huawei has its different brand strategy, targeted at business elites and focused more on premium segments, whose market is dominated by Apple and Samsung.

Credit to the dual-brand strategy, Huawei and Honor have made significant progress and achieved win-win in the industry. In 2019, among 241 million units Huawei shipped, about 64 million were contributed by Honor. There is no alternative reason to sell Honor at this moment except due to the American restrictions. Since May 2019, President Trump has begun the Huawei ban, which restricts Huawei from doing business with American companies. As a result, newly released (after pre-may 2019) Huawei and Honor phones can’t use Google services, bring a catastrophic impact on the global business of both companies. Huawei achieved a 24.4% growth in revenue for the first three quarters in 2019, but this year its revenue only increased by 9.9% for the same period.

Since the application of the Huawei ban, Honor had been under tremendous pressure because of a persistent unavailablility of technical features. Continuing the tied relations between Huawei and Honor will only trap two brands in the same hole. Selling Honor at a fair price could provide a sufficient amount of liquidity for Huawei to focus more on its open-source operating system – Harmony OS, a system aimed to compete with Android by Google, and separate Honor from the Huawei ban, which is the ideal situation without grantees, depending on the evaluation of the American government.

However, the brands both benefit from the company’s international reach, technology, and resources. Huawei has been massively invested in innovation for years, in 2019, it invested €17 billion in research and development, accounting for 13.9% of its business revenue in the year, meantime, to improve technology, Xiaomi only spent €0.97 billion last year, Oppo plans to invest €5.78 billion in few years, and Vivo hasn’t disclosed its exact investment amount. The sharing structure between Huawei and Honor makes the latter a very competitive existence with both price and technology advantages in the low- to the mid-end smartphone market. Therefore, though claimed in the statement that “the change in ownership will not impact Honor’s development direction or the stability of its executives and talent teams, allowing the company to continuously consolidate its foundation for success,” the Chinese stock market experienced a negative fluctuation due to the deal.

Source: DIY Photography

“While Huawei could overcome the difficulties, millions of employees at Honor’s agents and distributors around the world would lose their jobs as sales channels dried up. We don’t have to drag innocent people into the water just because we suffer. We are your competitors for Honor in the future,” said Ren Zhengfei, the founder of Huawei. The new Honor can also take some technologies and talents, but the detail isn’t fully disclosed.

To minimize the side effects of the Huawei ban, Huawei will not hold any shares or be involved in the operation and management of the new Honor company. “This acquisition represents a market-driven investment made to save Honor’s industry chain. It is the best solution to protect the interests of Honor’s consumers, channel sellers, suppliers, partners, and employees,” revealed the joint statement.

With over a decade-year of mutual development, Honor inherits the renowned innovative spirit of Huawei. It also works on the smart home including smart TV, laptop, and wearable computer such as wristwatches. The sell-off indeed decreases the market confidence of the two brands temporarily, in the long-term, Honor can participate in the market competition without waiting for the order of Huawei, and with fewer restrictions outboard. A new independent Honor will bring more vitality to the market and will decrease Huawei’s massive market share, a future concern that Huawei may be investigated by the Chinese government due to the monopoly position in the Chinese market.

Honor and Huawei choose a temporary pain rather than permanently mutual damage, which is not the initial plan for two brands, but they adapt the environment fast and well to pursue the best future. Under the changing political and economic situation worldwide, it’s reasonable that the world poses countless guesses about the sell-off, but the world also needs to realize that from now on, there will be one more competitive Chinese technology company appearing in the market. Huawei and Honor, are experiencing their rebirths.

(Source: China Daily / Xinhua Net / CGTN / BBC.com)

Leicht süchtig nach dem alten China


5 Spitzen-Bars – Zurück in die Vergangenheit

Im alten China galt Alkohol als heiliges Getränk. Deshalb wurde nur dann Alkohol getrunken, wenn dem Himmel und der Erde oder den Ahnen Opfergaben dargebracht wurden. Nach der Zhou-Dynastie zählte Alkohol zu den 9 Riten, und jede Dynastie legte großen Wert auf die Alkoholverwaltung und richtete spezielle Ministerien zur Verwaltung der Alkoholproduktion und der Bankette ein. Später, zusammen mit der Entwicklung der Braukunst, wurde der gelbe Alkohol (黄酒) zu einem gewöhnlichen Getränk. So entwickelten sich viele Bräuche im Zusammenhang mit Alkohol, die unterschiedliche Bezüge zum chinesischen Alltagsleben hatten und haben.

Heutzutage gehen die Chinesen gerne in die Vergangenheit zurück. Hier fünf Beispiele, in Anlehnung an die vier größten chinesischen Dynastien und die Glanzzeit von „Min Guo“.

Das Bistro „Lan Ting Flower Wine“

Ein junger, brillanter Unternehmer, der 185 Rezepte für Blumen- und Obstwein aus dem alten China kennen lernte, hat diese neue Bar in Hangzhou eröffnet. Madame Du bereitet ihre Getränke nach tausend Jahre alten Rezepten zu. Sie hat bereits viele Preise und Auszeichnungen gewonnen. Eine poetisch-musikalische Atmosphäre – und traditionelle Han-Kleidung wir besonders gern gesehen! Hier kann man wirklich die Atmosphäre der Han-Dynastie erleben!

Das Bistro „YAO JING Tang feeling“

Die Figur Yao Jing ist in der chinesischen Geschichte zu einer Legende geworden! Dieser temperamentvolle General, dessen Name seine Leidenschaft für Spirituosen widerspiegelt, hatte dem ersten Tang-Kaiser geholfen, die Macht zu ergreifen. Heute trägt eine Themenbar in Shanghai seinen Namen, die für ihren Tang-Stil und 12 Cocktails in Verbindung mit 12 chinesischen Städten bekannt ist. Viele Chinesen aus der Provinz kommen, um einen Cocktail zu trinken, der sie mit einer süßen Nostalgie an die Stadt ihrer Kindheit erinnert. In dieser sehr emotionalen Atmosphäre kann man leichter Geschäfte machen!

Die Bar „Tianjin Evening Drink“

Der klare, unaufdringliche und luxuriöse Stil der Song-Dynastie inspirierte diese Bar in Tianjin. In diesen hervorragend gestalteten Räumen ist alles aus Holz und Bambus. Die Getränke werden in Porzellanbechern serviert, da die Song-Dynastie die schönsten Accessoires aus diesem reinen Material schuf. Eine abstrakte Ästhetik, so visionär für die Zeit!

Das Bistro „Da Lian Zui Hua Ting“

Zwar hatten die Besitzer in dieser Region Nordchinas viele Preise für ihre sehr raffinierten Spirituosen und alten Rezepte gewonnen, aber die Atmosphäre und das Design dieser Bar erinnern eher an den Luxus und die Romantik des Südens, auf der Seite von Anhui oder Shanghai. Und so sind es junge Paare, die lieber hierherkommen, wo man sich, wie in all diesen neuen Szene-Bars, nicht die ganze Nacht lang betrinken kann!

20. Jahrhundert bis in die 1940er Jahre
„Shanghai 1945 Chinese Bar“

„Min Guo“ ist die einzige Periode in der chinesischen Geschichte, in der sich die europäische Kultur mit der einer chinesischen Dynastie, der Qing-Dynastie, vermischt hat. Sie sind unterschiedlich, ergänzen sich aber wunderbar und schaffen Charme, der in der Welt seinesgleichen sucht. Ein glamouröser Stil, nie kitschig, sondern subtil an das China der 1920er bis 1940er Jahre erinnernd. Dieser Bar-Stil ist heute in China sehr beliebt, obwohl auch Bars mit einer Kung-Fu-Atmosphäre im Bruce-Lee-Stil oder Manga-Stil beliebt sind.

Kurz gesagt, nach der Virus-Ära kehren die Chinesen gerne in die Bars zurück, weil sie Schach oder andere Brettspiele spielen, Musik machen, singen können usw.

Die aktuelle Philosophie lautet: In jeder Stadt Chinas finden Sie eine Ihrem Lebensstil angepasste Bar!

Tattoo: An Aging And Modern Storyteller Of Human Being


The tattoo has been accompanied human for thousands of years, the oldest human tattoo is currently traced between 3370 BC and 3100 BC, from Ötzi the Iceman, the oldest Europe’s human mummy, found in the Ötzal Alps. His body has 61 tattoos located in different areas, the majority of his tattoos were on his legs. Besides this discovery, tattoos have been proved to exist in human society for thousands of years with firm archaeological evidence of well-preserved mummies from different locations across the world.

Source: The Blogging Viking

In Asia, ancient Chinese literature refers facial tattoos to punishment for convicted criminals as it gives a strong shame to be permanently marked as a sinner, causing inevitable distances between the tattooed person and others, and brings a longtime guilty of skin damage as “the body, hair, and skin, all have been received from the parents, and so one does not dare damage them – that is the beginning of Xiao,” a core value of Chinese culture that refers to please, satisfy and respect the parents.

Facial tattoo, also named ink punishment as being one of the five cruelly physical tortures to justify a criminal in ancient China, is referred to tattooing certain words or patterns with indelible ink on the criminal’s face or forehead, which could be traced back to the Zhou Dynasty (1100 – 221 B.C.), the early period of China. Usually, the tattoos directly show the new identity or type of crimes of criminals, such as “slave”, “thief”, “robber”, or the places of a sentence such as “sentenced to…”. Such tattoo tells people the crimes of the tattooed person, by aiming to humiliate a criminal, people will define him as a sinner at the first moment, and will always remind his faults even the sentence has finished, the sinner made mistakes once in the life, though he can change his behavior after, the memory of his sin will not fade but only be strengthened as time passing, which denies their attempts to back to the usual life.

In Africa, ancient Egypt has a period for tattoo spanning at least 4,000 years with numerous boasts iconographic and physical evidence. Egyptian tattooing appears to have been a custom practiced almost exclusively on women. The specialty of it may be for decoration to be more beautiful, or for treatment to improve physical conditions, such as to be easily pregnant.

Source: Tattoodo

Now we know that a tattoo does not have a real impact in medical treatment, it is just a psychological effect or a wish to face the damage or potential illness, but the practice to tattoo body because of illness is still popular as it tells the past pain and expects a future strength, one of the famous cases is “Zombie boy” – Rick Genest. He took a huge surgery at a young age, which let him experience the unwillingly external operation to his skin, a craniotomy. His illness gives him a permanent skin disorder and mental pains. He uses his facial tattoos to mark his pains, consisting of at least four main visual designs: original skin like every ordinary person as canvas, brain structure presenting the incident, craniotomy providing a medical solution, and skull implying his struggle between death and life. Combining all factors, his facial tattoo is a skull without the cranium, exposing the brain, a flesh part belongs to humans, not a skeleton. Such a large range of tattoo surely brought him more pains, but he accepted and overcome them, as tattooing is a way to modify his body to recover his emotions.

In America, Samoa islands take tattoos as a custom to show the social positions of people, their tattoos represent the community, power, social status, respect, honor, etc. In Europe, most of the ancient Greco-Roman world considered tattoos as a punishment and shame. The Greeks marked criminals and slaves who tried to escape, and enemies vanquished in battles. In the Roman Empire, tattoos on slaves were also treated as proof of tax payment.

Many scholarships try to figure out the correlation behind tattoos between individuals and the public, they identify that people getting tattoos for different reasons: to honor a person who has deceased, to communicate with others about their ongoing connections, to challenge stigma, to symbolize self-awareness and self-improvement, to transmit feelings visibly from the individual to the public on a daily basis, to associate with certain group or community, and to differentiate the individual from the society.

The tattoo was not popular enough until the end of WWII when People started to use tattoos as a medium to transmit different attitudes besides consumerism. A tattoo renaissance began in the late 1950s with the influence of artists. In 1960, the electric tattoo machine was invented and significantly improved the efficiency of tattooing. Many social movements also occurred around a similar period to the tattoo renaissance and lasted for decades, such as the feminist movement, hippie movement, homosexual rights movement, environmental protection, etc. As diversity becomes widely emphasized and appreciated, the tattoos become one more way to speak out about one’s identity and to reassure one’s ego under social pressure. The history of memorial tattoos is so long that humans started to get them before discovering the deeper reasons for the behavior.

[1] Busch Akkiko. “My Decorated Self.” Print 49, no.1 (1995):112.
[2] Bell Shannon. “Tattooed: A Participant Observer’s Exploration of Meaning.” Journal of American Culture 22, no.2 (1999): 53-58.
[3] DeMello Margo. Bodies of Inscription: A Cultural History of the Modern Tattoo Community. (Durham: Duke University Press, 2000), 100-120.
[4] Gentry Glenn W., Alderman Derek H. “Trauma Written in Flesh: Tattoos as Memorials and Stories,” in Narrating the Storm: Sociological Stories of Hurricane Katrina, ed. Danielle Antoinette Hidalgo and Kristen Barber. (Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2007), 184-197.
[5] http://www.nipic.com/show/107324.html

When Uyghur People Contribute To Ease The Pandemic, The US Entitles to Deprive Of Their Labor Rights


On July 19th, The New York Times stated that “China is using Uighur labor to produce face masks” which are against the labor’s will, shortly, within a couple of days, its authors posted the same article with slight modifications on different media to mold the international opinions.

The article provides many video evidence collected from China’s domestic channels to convince readers that under the party’s pressure and measures, Uighur laborers are forced to participate in the production of masks under unfair and inhuman conditions, such as forced to leave hometown to accept allocated jobs in big cities, which is a voluntary program; work in mask production workshop under supervision, which is a standard process in every qualifying production workshop; live in residence labeled with its ethnicity to isolate them from the majority of Chinese, which is to take care the minority so that they don’t feel lonely and financial pressure as usually other workers need to rent places by themselves; obligated to learn the official language, which is applied in every country to unify the society.

Does the New York Times support separatism to this degree that the minority even shouldn’t have opportunities to integrate into society?

NY Times with a photo of Mosque in Xinjiang. We want to ask NY Times: how many Mosque do exist in USA? How many islam people did US Army kill in middle east?

The New York Times twists the original meanings of videos by playing the translations as readers often don’t speak Chinese and also mixes fake news and real information to give a negative impression of Uighur labors’ situation. The most ridiculous thing is it uses the fake report of the Australian Strategic Policy Institute as its evidence too.

Their statements all give readers an impression that the Chinese government works with enterprises to control and manage the Uighur people, which is to improve the Uighur people’s life conditions through cooperations with enterprises led by the government.

Xinjiang has a low level of industrial development and a high level of poverty due to strong religious influence and weak education system, the gap between Xinjiang and other provinces increases rapidly, especially after China started to reform and opening-up in the 1980s. The worst part is, terrorists, separatists, and religious extremists push the local to resist learning the standard spoken and written Mandarin, deny modern science and technology, and reject to improve their vocational skills so that the local can keep a low understanding of the modern society and maintain a strong connection of religion. All of these negative actions directly deepen and widen the gaps between Xinjiang people and people from more advanced provinces that many parts of Xinjiang are identified as extreme poverty areas, people can’t even satisfy the daily needs. Quitting school, getting married earlier, working without skills, believing religion more than science, and fearing and refusing to change become an infinite loop.

A bigger world awaits once stepping out the home

It’s unrealistic only counting on the Uighur themselves to build a brand-new life and narrow the gaps between areas shortly, so the Chinese government has been applied for a “pairing assistance” program in Xinjiang since 1997, by channeling financial support to Xinjiang from other provinces and sending cadres and professionals to work and hold tenures there, and also providing the continue education to Uighur so that they can have chances to be hired.

The majority of 353 labors are registered poor households

However, the Chinese government cannot force enterprises to hire the Uighur when they face other candidates in the competitive market, especially considering the relatively high cost of following professional training, so giving enterprises subsidies can significantly lower their expenses and increase their preferences in Uighur labors, which is one of the allocations in China’s funds for poverty alleviation.

The allocation of funds for poverty alleviation (in poor areas of Xinjiang)

In fact, the Chinese central government has dispensed part of the 2020 funds for poverty alleviation to local governments, the Chinese Ministry of Finance said the last November. The 2020 poverty relief fund already allocated to 28 provincial-level regions totaled 113.6 billion yuan, and 14.4 billion of the funds will be channeled to support areas in deep poverty, including Xinjiang. The financial aid is used to develop technology, education, agriculture, and to aid local households. With the subsidies, enterprises from other provinces have more interests to invest in Xinjiang and to hire local laborers, the local can also earn a relatively advantageous salary per month.

The monthly salary is around 3500-4000 yuan (448-512€, the minimum monthly salary in the capital city of Xinjiang is 207€)

Along with the national measures in international relations, many American and Australian presses use their international influences to publish massive amounts of fake news and twist the reality of many countries having conflicts of interests with the American and Australian governments. Political conflicts are inevitable but people’s lives should be respected rather than smeared.

(Source: The New York Times / Xinhuanet)