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Europa hilft mir, meine Ausdrucksmöglichkeiten zu erweitern



Die chinesische Philosophie inspiriert Chen Han in seiner Arbeit über die Natur. Aber in Europa sucht dieser junge chinesische Künstler mit Wohnsitz in Brüssel nach der besten Möglichkeit, seine Fotografien auszustellen. Wie organisiert man eine konzeptuelle Ausstellung als Performance, bei der der Körper der Besucher in der Wahrnehmung selbst engagiert ist?  

LHCH: Ein wesentliches Thema zieht sich durch Ihre Fotografien: die Natur.

Chen Han: Ja, aber nicht auf die romantische europäische Art. Ich sehe die Natur so, wie es Buddhisten und Taoisten tun. In ihr ist der Geist ebenso verkörpert.  Ich arbeite an der Seele der Dinge… Ich fotografiere Landschaften, in denen ich konkret gereist bin: das tibetische Hochland von Qinghai, die Wüste Gobi, Island, … Ich bin körperlich und geistig auf der Suche nach der Seele in der Natur.

LHCH: Aber Sie stellen Ihre „Staffelei zum Malen“ nicht nach einem natürlichen Modell auf .

Chen Han: Die Postproduktion mache ich mit meinen Erinnerungen, wenn ich nach Hause gehe. Ich stelle zum Beispiel einen Berg nicht erneut dar. Für mich ist das nicht einfach ein Objekt. Zwischen dem Berg und mir findet ein Dialog statt. Meine Frage lautet: „Ich bin mir des Berges bewusst. Aber der Berg? Inwiefern ist seine Materie spirituell?“

LHCH: Wie der Dichter Su Dong Po aus der Song-Dynastie zu sagen pflegte, aber über die Gemälde von Wen Tong „Bambusbäume“: „Wenn du zeichnest, ‚wirst‘ du dann zum Berg?

Chen Han: Ja, und ein Zen-Zitat aus der Song-Dynastie besagt: „Schau auf den Berg: Es ist der Berg; schau auf den Berg: Es ist nicht der Berg; schau auf den Berg: Es ist immer noch der Berg.“ In meiner bescheidenen Dimension erkunde ich die Landschaften physisch. Aber der Mönch Rinpoche, ein Mönch des tibetischen Buddhismus, der auf materiellen Komfort verzichten wollte, unternahm im Alter von 25 Jahren ein Retreat, das 12 Jahre lang in den Bergen von Kham, zwischen Tibet und Sichuan, dauerte: in der Provinz Qinghai, wo ich gewandert bin. 

Manche sagen, der Berg sei ihm ähnlich geworden …

LHCH: Europäische Künstler wurden bis ins 19. Jahrhundert durch das Modell der „Mimesis“ in der griechischen Philosophie inspiriert. 

Chen Han: Ja. Die Natur nachzuahmen, war die große Sache. Nicht aber, sie von innen heraus zu verstehen. Mit Cézanne hat sich die europäische Kunst jedoch völlig verändert. 

LHCH: Die Geschichte der chinesischen Kunst ist für uns sehr geheimnisvoll. 

Chen Han: Die Geschichte der chinesischen Kunst besteht aus sehr langen Perioden, in denen sich der Stil offensichtlich nicht weiterentwickelt hat. Aber für einen Kenner gibt es durchaus Unterschiede. Natürlich sind sie weniger abrupt als die Kunstrevolutionen seit dem Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts in Europa! Die Chinesen haben einen Sinn für Kontinuität, für den Respekt vor dem Erbe der Alten. Aber jeder Künstler kann immer noch eine persönliche Note einbringen, auch eine sehr subtile. Europa, das ist eher eine „Eliminierung“ des oben Gesagten, um ein wenig aggressiv zu behaupten, was „neu“ ist. China kultiviert das Ewige.

LHCH: Wie kann man also einen Berg malen, ohne ihn darzustellen? 

Chen Han: nicht auf einmal in kodierten Dimensionen. Wir müssen alle Standpunkte zum Ausdruck bringen. Chinesische Maler pflegten ihre Gemälde „nach unten zu scrollen“… Wie eine Geschichte oder ein Comic, die langsam das Wesen des Berges zum Ausdruck bringen. 

LHCH: Die Kubisten versuchten das auch, aber in einem Rahmen. Was haben Sie während Ihres Studiums in Europa konkret gelernt? 

Chen Han: Künstler wie Duchamps oder Beuys haben sich Gedanken über das Wesen eines Kunstwerks gemacht. Zum Beispiel darüber, wie ein Objekt in einem Museum ausgestellt wird. Oder über die Art, wie es ausgestellt wird. Was mich direkt interessiert. Der deutsche Fotograf Wolfgang Tillmans hat über die Fotografie nachgedacht. Sollte sie im Wesentlichen flach sein? Zweidimensional? In einem Rahmen? Für ihn kann ein Foto eine Skulptur sein.

Wie integrieren Sie diese Gedanken in Ihre Arbeit?

Chen Han: Ich arbeite gerne an der „Beschaffenheit „eines Bildes. Und ich stelle mir diese Frage: Wie stellt man idealerweise chinesisch orientierte Kunst aus? In New York wollte der Direktor des MOMA mit einer auffälligen Inszenierung sehr raffinierter und subtiler chinesischer Werke auffallen. Dies ist keine europäische Kunst… Durch seine Fragen versuche ich, einen Raum zu schaffen, in dem meine postproduzierten Fotografien in einer räumlichen Beziehung zur Wahrnehmung der Besucher ausgestellt werden. Ein bisschen so, als würde man ein impressionistisches Gemälde von nah oder fern betrachten.

LHCH: Brüssel, die Hauptstadt Europas, gilt als neuer Ort des künstlerischen Ausdrucks.

Chen Han: Ja, ein bisschen wie Berlin. Es gibt ein sehr kosmopolitisches, multikulturelles Stadtgefüge, und junge Künstler haben optimale Bedingungen, um ihre Kunst zu praktizieren, sich zu treffen und kostengünstige Werkstätten zu mieten. Brüssel ist nicht so teuer wie Paris. Mehr Underground. Ein bisschen wie in seiner Blütezeit zur Zeit von Picasso … aber das gehört heute der Vergangenheit an.

Wegen der COVID-Maßnahmen wird LHCH die Follower darüber informieren, wann diese Ausstellung stattfindet.

Nach Abschluss seines Studiums in Landschaftsdesign und Fotografie in Hangzhou, China, im Jahr 2012 studierte Chen Han in Frankreich Grafikdesign und Multimedia. Er kam 2014 in Brüssel an und erwarb 2 Jahre später einen Postgraduiertenabschluss in Fotografie von ENSAV La Cambre.

The American Government Profited From Foreign Companies By Setting Traps During Coronavirus Pandemic


Just after coronavirus appeared in the U.S., President Trump promised the public that everything was under the control and situation would get better, but the situation has turned worse rapidly without necessary controls and efficient solutions led by the American government. Under the pressure of the furious Americans and the negative trend of approval ratings, Trump decided to purchase the medical supplies overseas, such as surgical masks and ventilators, to meet the shortage of domestic storage. Within a few months, without any notifications, Trump’s government suddenly announced to cancel or delay previous orders last month.

The latest series of affecting orders announced by the Trump administration was worth nearly 650 million dollars, belonging to many signed emergency contracts for ventilators in spring to face the coronavirus pandemic. Three involved companies have to bear unexpected losses. Hamilton Medical from Switzerland, Vyaire Medical from Germany had produced and been scheduled for delivery of 38,000 ventilators by the end of 2020, their contracts worth around 3 million dollars, and Philips from the Netherlands, the largest ventilator supplier dealt with the U.S., with a massive 647 million dollars contract, is facing internal investigation and legal review from the American department of Health and Human Services (HHS).

HHS informed Hamilton Medical and Vyaire Medical that the default is reasonable as the national stockpile has reached its maximum capacity for life-saving breathing machines, with nearly 120,000 available to match the needs of the local and state health institutes. For Philips, HHS refused to give further details. But Steve Klink, a spokesman for Philips at the company’s headquarters in Amsterdam, said its contract has been canceled too, without any formal reason, left with 30,700 ventilators remaining to be delivered.

Being one of the representatives of the national interests, HHS does not need to terminate an agreement with a real and formal reason as the private sector needs, which piratically gives it an unfair position to negotiate with enterprises in the market. HHS stated that the default can save American taxpayers millions of dollars by cutting the extra supplies. Looks like the American government is reversing the coronavirus mess to national strategic success, but on 10th September, Time released its latest cover named as “The American Failure”, with a daily number of deaths caused by coronavirus, till last night, there were 191,789 deaths, the total deaths are predicted to be more than 200,000 around 26th September by American Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Source: Time

European companies are not the only victims trapped by the American government during the global coronavirus pandemic. BYD, a Chinese automobile manufacturer who reformed its automobile production lines to surgical masks during the coronavirus pandemic in China, also experienced an unbelievable experience to supply surgical masks from China to the U.S.

In late January, just around the time when coronavirus was out of control along with shortages of medical equipment caused by the social panic in China, BYD began to assist in the production of surgical masks and disinfection gels. The whole process consisted of leaders from various business divisions, and more than 3,000 engineers participated in research, design and production. In mid-March, BYD announced to create the largest mass-produced surgical masks plant in the world. The plant can produce 5 million surgical masks and 300,000 bottles of disinfectants each day.

BYD Producation Workshop
Source: BYD

The outstanding emergency treatment and advanced technical ability of BYD drew the attention of California’s emergency services. On 20th April, after carefully certificates examination and process negotiation, California had reached an agreement with BYD to supply the state with the much-needed medical protections, including surgical masks and N95 masks. Mark Ghilarducci, the state’s director of emergency services recognized the efforts of BYD, that BYD America, the North America subsidiary of BYD, “has a direct reach back into China and is able to build a pipeline of a sustainable amount of monthly mass (personal protection equipment supplies) that will be coming in to assist us here in California”. The contract was worth 1 billion dollars, and the California paid 494 millions dollars as subsist.

Then on 6th May, decades of million surgical masks arrived, but other millions of N95 masks delayed due to certificate issued by the American Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which approved the entire contract a few days ago. Thereby, the Califonia’s emergency services asked BYD to refund half of the subsist, 247 million dollars, and informed BYD that if the certification could not be obtained before 31th May, then BYD needed to refund the remaining subsist as well. California’s emergence services could not explain why the FDA hadn’t recognized on time, the FDA didn’t give former explanations too, and the successfully delivered masks were already used by California’s public sectors.

BYD Production Lines
Source: BYD

The explanations to do so updates frequently like the confirmed cases in the U.S., and hidden reasons remain secretive, same as the unidentifiable cases, existing more there surely, but don’t know how many. Being a representative of the market economy, the U.S. often hides its complicated and confusing governmental direction well. Any defaults of foreign companies are unacceptable, but every default of the American government can have an explanation after with inevitable losses brought to companies and costless benefits to the U.S. Such operation has been practiced as a fast and effortless way for centuries to help the U.S achieve today’s global dominance with absolute advantages both in politics and economics.

(Source: CNN Health / Time / Los Angeles Times / BYD / Nikkei)

Die chinesische Kultur als Geschichte der Nudeln?



10 spezielle Nudeln

Wenn man die Geschichte aus der Perspektive einer Nudelschüssel studiert, entdeckt man, dass die Nudeln seit 5000 Jahren nie weit von unserem Leben entfernt waren: Die frühesten Trocken-, Rindfleisch- und kalten Nudeln kamen alle aus China.

Ein Glutenproblem? Wussten Sie, dass chinesische Nudeln hauptsächlich aus Mehlen mit mittlerem und niedrigem Glutengehalt hergestellt werden? Sie müssen also nicht wie Pasta extrudiert werden. Sie können gedehnt, gefaltet und geschnitten werden, um Nudeln herzustellen, die sowohl elastisch als auch weich sind.  Die Dicke und der Geschmack der Nudeln bestimmen direkt die örtlichen Gepflogenheiten einer Nudelschüssel.  Hundert Arten von Nudeln haben 100 Geschmacksrichtungen, und dahinter stehen auch 100 Geschichten.

1. Die „kahlen“ Suzhou-Butternudeln

In der Provinz Zhejiang werden diese Gerichte wegen ihrer Farbe sehr geschätzt, da sie aus Eiern (Rogen) der dicksten männlichen und weiblichen Krebse zubereitet werden. Mit „kahl“ ist im Suzhou-Dialekt „nur“ der Rogen ohne das Fleisch der Krabbe gemeint. Zusammen mit dem erhitzten Fett einfach unter Rühren mit gehacktem Ingwer und grünen Zwiebeln anbraten.  Mit Reiswein und Brühe abschmecken, mit Schmalz und Pfeffer ablöschen.

Das ist wie das Auftragen einer Goldschicht auf die Nudeln… 

2. Nudeln mit Suzhou-„Topping“

Klassisches „Nudeltopping“! Die Auswahl ist riesig! 浇头面, jian tou bedeutet eigentlich: „Soße mit Fleisch oder Gemüse über Reis oder Nudeln gegossen.“

Südliche Gäste schätzen Nudeln mit Suppe und Toppings: Garnelen, gebratener Fisch, gemischtes Gemüse, gebratener Aal, Shiitake-Pilze, großes Steak, geschmorter Huf… es gibt einfach zu viele Toppings!  Wenn Sie sich endlich für ein Topping entschieden haben, können Sie es beliebig mischen und anpassen, doppelt oder dreifach belegen, ganz wie Sie wollen. Die Toppings werden frisch gebraten und auf kleinen Tellern zusammen mit den Nudeln serviert – viele Rituale.

3. Shanghai-Yang-Chun-Nudeln

Nudeln „Sonnenfrühling“, wörtlich übersetzt. Yang-Chun-Nudeln, auch bekannt als „Nudeln für klare Suppe“, sind das unprätentiöseste Mitglied der Nudelfamilie.  Früher waren sie ein billiges Nahrungsmittel für die Straßenverkäufer. Da es keinen Belag gab, verließen sie sich auf einen halben Löffel Schmalz für den Duft und eine Prise Schalotten (oder Knoblauchblätter) für die Frische.  Wenn diese Nudeln traditionell am Tisch serviert wurden, schwammen die feinen grünen Zwiebeln in dem glänzenden Schmalz und verströmten einen starken Duft.  Sobald die in grüne Zwiebeln gewickelten Nudeln gegessen werden, werden Sie feststellen, dass das Einfache manchmal das Beste ist.

4. Hangzhou „Beide Seiten der gelben Nudeln“

Liangmian huang ist ein traditionelles, berühmtes Nudelgericht in der Provinz Jiangsu. Diese Nudeln wurden einst „der Kaiser der Nudeln“ genannt und waren teuer.  Nach der Befreiung gab es nur sehr wenige Vorräte. Die Nudeln verschwanden 20 bis 30 Jahren lang. In den letzten Jahren sind sie in Hangzhou wieder aufgetaucht.

Der Name liang mian huang (was wörtlich übersetzt zwei Seiten gelb bedeutet) bezieht sich auf den Farbton der gekochten Nudeln auf beiden Seiten. Die Nudeln sind außen knusprig und innen noch feucht. 

Man muss sich auch mit der Textur beschäftigen, damit sie die Marinade aufnehmen. Frisch unter Rühren gebratene Zutaten – in der Regel in Scheiben geschnittenes Schweinefleisch oder mit anderen Zutaten vermischte Garnelen – werden jetzt darüber gegossen. 

5. Shanxi Dao Xiao Mian Nudeln

Mit dem Messer geschabte Nudeln, geschält oder in Streifen geschnitten, sind eine Spezialität von Shanxi! Eine ganz besondere Form von Pasta. Shanxi ist reich an Nudeln. Anders als in anderen Regionen wird hier für die Nudelherstellung hauptsächlich Weizenmehl verwendet. In Shanxi werden Weizenmehl, Sorghum-Nudeln, Nudeln, Buchweizennudeln usw. verwendet. 

Man muss erleben, wie die Shanxi-Köche mit einem speziellen Bogenmesser geschickt die Nudelblätter aus dem Teig herausschneiden.  Die mittleren Blätter sind etwas dicker und die Enden dünner und bilden eine erhabene Spitze, die dann in das kochende Wasser fällt.  Die Augen genießen bereits, ehe man die Nudeln schmeckt.

Mit dem Messer geschabte hausgemachte Nudeln kann man zum Beispiel mit einfachem Schweinefleisch Chao Mian zubereiten. 

6. Shanxi-Hafernudeln 

Das ist schwer zu übersetzen: „You mian kao lao lao“ – Hafernudeln im Weidenkorb mit rundem Boden?  Ein sehr originelles Gericht aus der Provinz Shanxi!  Die Nudeln werden aus bloßem Hafermehl hergestellt, und für die Zubereitung der Nudeln muss kochendes Wasser verwendet werden. Eigentlich wird dafür ein Behälter aus Korbweide verwendet, der die Form eines Eimers hat.  Die gedämpften Nudeln, wie z.B. „Katzenohren“, ähneln einer Röhre, stehen nacheinander, ähneln einer Wabe im Käfig und können mit Lamm oder mit Pilzsuppe gegessen werden.

7. Shaanxi-Qishan-Fleischwürfelnudeln

Die „Saozi“-Nudeln sind eine der charakteristischen traditionellen Nudeln in der Provinz Shaanxi. Die Qishan-Sago-Nudeln in Baoji sind die authentischsten.  Sie sind in der Ebene von Guanzhong in Shaanxi und in Longdong in Gansu sehr beliebt. „Sao“ bedeutet gewürfeltes Fleisch.  Für die Menschen in Shaanxi ist die Farbabstimmung der Nudeln besonders wichtig. Die gelbe Eihülle, der schwarze Pilz, die roten Karotten, die grünen Knoblauchsprossen, der weiße Tofu und die übrigen Zutaten sind sowohl schön als auch köstlich.

Qishan-Siednudeln erinnern an „dünne Sehnen, leicht, sauer und scharf und dünn gebraten“.

Die wichtigste Suppe für diese Nudeln ist der lokale Qishan-Essig. In der scharf gewürzten Version kommen die Fengxiang-Scharfnudeln zum Einsatz. 

8. Pekinger „zha jiang“-Nudeln

Eine kultige Delikatesse aus Peking! Was bedeutet „zha jiang“-Nudeln? Dafür wird gehacktes Schweinefleisch verwendet, das mit salzig fermentierter Sojabohnenpaste (oder einer anderen Soße) über dicken Weizennudeln gekocht wird. 

Zhajang-Nudeln müssen von Hand gerollt sein. In einer Schüssel mit köstlichen gebratenen Nudeln darf die Sauce nicht nachlässig zubereitet sein.  Sie müssen eine gute gelbe Sauce verwenden, und Sie können etwas süße Nudelsauce hinzufügen, wenn Sie den süßen Geschmack mögen. 

9. Xinjiang La Tiao Zi  

La tiao zi bezieht sich auf lamian, in Zentralasien oft „Langhman“ genannt, ist eine chinesische Nudel aus Weichweizenmehl. Doch zunächst zur Zubereitung: Lamian wird durch Verdrehen, Strecken und Falten des Teigs zu Strängen hergestellt, wobei das Gewicht des Teigs genutzt wird. Die Länge und Dicke der Stränge hängt davon ab, wie oft der Teig gefaltet wird. Diese einzigartige Methode zur Herstellung von Nudeln hat ihren Ursprung in China. Aufgrund der niedrigen Temperaturen hat der Weizen in Xinjiang einen längeren Wachstumszyklus, sodass es eher „Gluten“-Nudeln sind. 

Zu den Nudeln gibt es alle möglichen Beilagen. Lamm, Huhn, Lauch, Pilze, grüner Pfeffer usw., es gibt immer ein Gericht für Sie.  Aber eines ist auf jeden Fall unverzichtbar, nämlich Tomaten, ein Teller mit kräftig roten Scheibchen.

10 gemischte Nudeln mit Chongqing-Erbsen

Die kleinen Nudeln aus Chongqing sind der Stolz der Menschen in Chongqing. Sie heißen kleine Nudeln, weil sie billig und schnell sind. Unter ihnen ist irgendwann plötzlich die Erbsen-Mixnudel aufgetaucht, die jetzt auch zu den kleinen Nudeln aus Chongqing gehört.  Die so genannte Schüssel „Verschiedenes“, auf der Basis von kleinen Nudeln, mit einer Erbsen-Mischsauce, die auch Fleisch enthalten kann. Hackfleisch wird mit acht dünnen und zwei fetten Stücken unter Rühren angebraten. Fügen Sie für den Geschmack gehackten Knoblauch und Ingwer hinzu. Dazu kommen dann trockene gelbe Sauce und süße Nudelsauce aus Sichuan. Das sind Chongqing-Erbsen.

Harmony OS, Huawei’s New Operating System, A Strike Back To American Restriction


On 10th September, in Huawei Developer Conference 2020, Huawei officially revealed its updated operating systems, HarmonyOS 2.0, which is expected to compete with iOS by Apple and Android by Google. Microsoft attempted to build its operating system too, but it ended badly. The difficulty for Huawei to achieve so is significant, especially American technology companies already have strong footholds worldwide. The fast-improving HarmonyOS will start a technical war between Chinese and American technology companies, later may get governments involved in the process.

One more operating system surely brings more vitality to the current market, but the condition is Harmony OS can be enough innovating to have competitive advantages for the long term and must be trustworthy to international users.

Source: Christian Adams

Huawei started to develop Harmony OS since 2012, the company decided to accelerate the process in 2019, a year when technical regulations and political conflicts between China and the U.S. became intense. Now it has been a year since the Trump administration’s Treasury Department placed Huawei on an “entity list”, thereby protecting American firms from trading with Huawei. Without any doubt, this rough action has squeezed Huawei’s business in different aspects, its “go global” blueprint meets its Waterloo in the U.S. Though Huawei clarifies severally that it is independent of the Chinese government, the former military background of the founder and current CEO of Huawei still worries international users. The biggest loss suffered by Huawei’s mobile division from this crisis is now Huawei cannot release new devices with Google Mobile Services (GMS) included. GMS is effectively the entire Google ecosystem for Android, another dominant and widely used operating system besides iOS. Without the possibility to access Google Maps, Gmail, Google Play Store, Chrome, etc., Huawei’s mobile phones immediately have an unfavorable position for the users.

However, Huawei never wants to rely on American technologies, the founder and current CEO, Ren Zhengfei is very ambitious about the Chinese technology future. He thinks the key reason that there were some trials to defeat Google and Apple, but couldn’t go further, is because the technical gaps cannot be narrowed within the short term. Many technology companies did achieve something to be better than Google and Apple, but they focused on edge technologies, but the core technologies decide the winner. He commented with constant and massive investment in core technologies, Huawei’s operating system will standstill in the market, but it may require 300 years to achieve so.

“300 years”, the length of time is just a clear understanding of technical gaps of Huawei relative to others, not really refers to the expected time to make significant technical improvements. For the short term, Huawei cannot abandon Android,  the market is used to it for decades, but for the long term, Huawei is ready to promote its alternative mobile services, named Huawei Mobile Services (HMS). To build an app ecosystem like Google Play Store, Huawei states it is pouring $1 billion into the development process with technical support from 3,000 software engineers. Harmony OS has to constantly attract developers to port or redevelop their apps, but this is not an easy move, Windows Mobile, BlackBerry 10, and Samsung’s Bada and Tizen gave lessons. The good thing is many Chinese technology companies will participate in the development and the internal tests of Harmony OS, such as Xiaomi, Oppo, Vivo, and Tencent. This can be seen as a teamwork to complete and promote Chinese technology, and also preparation to deal with potential restrictions of American government in Chinese mobile phones of different companies.

To give the market confidence and gain the trust from the potential users, Huawei has announced to make the Harmony OS variable a completely open-source in the conference, and anyone can download its source code from device.harmonyos.com, but Huawei will not give the public access to the root of Harmony OS, which can decrease the future security attacks. The company states to do so is not hiding information from the public, but based on the fact that root is a frequent security risk for Android and other Linux-based operating systems. Rumors of Huawei’s ecosystem has not any real proofs, but as the technical research eventually matters to a country’s technical position, and may reverse the current market competition, the American government will not allow Harmony to grow steadily, and American technology companies will strengthen their competitive advantages as well.

Source: Harmonyos

During the Developer Conference, when Huawei played the theme music “Dream it Possible”, one sentence in English appeared on the screen, “No Stop, No Pause, Play Together”, and the Chinese version is “没有人能够熄灭满天星光,每一位开发者,都是华为要汇聚的星星之火“ (No one can put out all starlights in the sky, every developer, is a single spark that Huawei wants to group), “星星之火“ (A single spark) is from one sentence “星星之火,可以燎原“ (A single spark can start a huge blaze), written by Chairman Mao, which becomes an idiom in China.

Harmony OS is still too young to achieve something, but as Huawei wishes and promises that an insignificant cause can have a massive effect, the future of Harmony OS is expected.

(Source: Huawei / Reddit / Github)

Global Period Poverty, So Far And So Close


The period is a constant topic for females and an underestimating issue for society. Not everyone learns the period correctly, many people treat it improperly, and a huge part of the world cannot afford the basic healthcare of it. Recently, a wide and deep discussion of period poverty goes viral due to a post on Chinese social media.

Nearly end of last month, a Weibo user first time discovered on Taobao, the biggest online shopping platform in China, that it is possible to buy a bulk of pads with a much lower price, 0.22 RMB (0.025 euro) per piece of pads, than the usual market price, around 0.70 RMB (0.0875 euro) per piece. From the product description page, those pads, without a quality certificate, producer certificate, and production date, shall be prohibited in the market according to China’s laws, but there are many orders, and similar products are still on sale in different online shopping platforms in China. It seems its market has a quite large scale.

100 Pads With 245mm Lengths Only Costs Less Than 3 Euros, Including Delivery Fees Source: Taobao

Some people could not understand the intention to buy such unsafe products, especially frequently used for the private zone. As a cup of bubble tea can cost around the same price for whole bulk, then is it such difficult to spend a little bit more per month to use better pads? (Bubble tea gets very popular in China,many young people claim that drinking bubble tea daily is “a matter of life”.)  When few of them posted the doubt in the discussion zone, some former buyers replied as “no choice” and “life is hard”. This post immediately drew attention from the public in China. Many Chinese admitted that they did not know there are some females cannot afford pads at all in current China.

China indeed creates an economic miracle within half a century, but one fact may be ignored by the remaining world or even many Chinese that China still belongs to a developing country. The social wealthy cannot satisfy the social needs totally, especially when it is divided by the total population. “Around 600 million Chinese only earns 1000 RMB (around 125 euros) per month”, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang said so during the Third Session of the 13th National People’s Congress on 28th May, which means over 42% Chinese have financial difficulties in principal life expenses. Under this situation, using qualified pads becomes relatively luxurious.

“Tampon tax” is used to refer to value-added tax or sales tax relating to sanitary products. Female sanitary products, such as pads, tampons, menstrual cups, etc., have high taxes, or even the same than the luxury tax, depending on how scholars and policymakers classify the necessities of different sanitary products. Not only the ordinary considers pads as “relatively luxurious”, the authority often thinks the same. The situation slightly changes along with the rising gender equality and women’s rights in some countries.

Ironic Artwork Of High Tax On Female Sanitary Products
Source: Bustle

For Asian women, in China, tampon tax decreased from 17% to 13% in 2019 but still belongs to the highest added-value tax level. Japan raised the tampon tax from 8% to 10% in October 2019, as it is considered as consumption rather than daily necessities. In India, sanitary products are classified as unnecessary goods, allowing the Indian government to charge different levels of tax rate based on the evaluation. Launched in July 2017, sanitary products were taxed 12% under India’s Goods and Services Tax (GST), which caused a few-month protest, and the government had to scrap the tax.

For European women, in Germany, tampon tax was reduced from 19% to 7% since 1st January 2020, considered as a step forward of sex equality. France dropped the tampon tax from 20% to 5.5. The United Kingdom will cancel the tampon tax, currently, it is 5%, which is seen as a fruit of 20-year social equality movement. Meanwhile, Denmark and Sweden require a 25% tampon tax, Hungary asks for 27%, despite European Union regulations that tampon tax should be as low as 5%.

For northern and southern American women, Canada stopped to charge tampon tax since mid-105 following an online petition signed by thousands of people. The United States regulates tampon taxes differently subject to sales tax, up to around 9%, in 33 states, and less than half of them have eliminated the tax. Colombia’s Constitutional Court ruled to cut down a 5% tampon tax in 2018.

For African women, the situation is complete. Though Kenya was the first nation to stop tampon tax in 2004, mainly because the majority of its females could not afford sanitary products at all. South Africa annulled its tampon tax in 2009, before it was 15%.

Source: Thinx

Lowering tax is to make sanitary products affordable for women, but many women even never use them at all, no matter how cheap they will be, they still cost. Some women do use sanitary products, but can accept only some of them, such as pads are common for Asians, tampons are harder to be accepted as many Asians think it will break their virginity, the menstrual cup still has low recognition global as majority still doubts its cleanliness and comfort. Furthermore, the social culture shames women, underestimates women’s abilities, and criticizes women’s psychological conditions when mentioning the period.

“Through education and advocay we can greatly improve access to hygiene facilities and products, reduce stigma and shame, and encourage education about menstruation.” American Medical Women’s Association advises so.

Source: Regent Street

Unfortunately dealing with period poverty is a long and hard way, surely more time-consuming for those countries without a developed economy and modern culture, but at least, we are all on the way to resolve it.

(Source: Weibo / Taobao / BBC / Voice Up Japan / New York Times / American Medical Women’s Association / Thinx / Regent Street / Bustle)

War Covid-19 seit Oktober in den USA bekannt, doch man beschuldigte China?


Die Ursprünge der Covid-19 Pandemie liegen bis heute eher im Dunkeln und lassen auf internationaler Ebene mehr Fragen und Zweifel als Antworten und Klarheit aufkommen. In den USA wurde jedoch recht schnell mit dem Finger auf China gezeigt, das man eindeutig als Ursprung der Ausbreitung des Sars-CoV2-Virus identifiziert haben will.

Die amerikanische Bevölkerung ist nach wie vor von Angst ergriffen, da bis heute nur ein sehr diffuses Bild über den Ursprung der Pandemie vermittelt wird. Möglicherweise dient dies lediglich dazu, die Bürgerinnen und Bürger vom realen Verlauf der Ereignisse abzulenken. Ist es tatsächlich vorstellbar, dass einer Weltmacht wie den Vereinigten Staaten in den vorangegangenen Monaten das Virus nicht bekannt gewesen sein soll?

Zu diesem Thema, das von enorm großer Tragweite ist, hat ein serbischer Informationsblog Stellung genommen und einige berichtenswerte Aspekte an die Öffentlichkeit gebracht. Dort hat man angeblich gesicherte Erkenntnisse darüber, dass es in den Vereinigten Staaten eine verdeckt operierende Sondereinheit mit dem Namen „Predict“ gebe, die mit der Überwachung und Kontrolle des Virus beauftragt sei.

Dieses Team bestehe aus einer Gruppe von Leuten, denen das Covid-19-Virus bereits im Oktober 2019 bekannt gewesen sein soll, und die gewusst hätten, dass es für diese Art der Virusinfektion keine Behandlungsmethode gibt. Das alles sei geschehen lange bevor die Öffentlichkeit überhaupt von dem Virus erfahren habe. Da jedoch Daten von der amerikanischen Regierung zurückgehalten wurden, hätten die Experten eine eher kritische Haltung eingenommen.

Nach den Berichten dieser serbischen Informationsquelle sei es jedoch scheinbar so gewesen, dass bei den Sitzungen des „Predict“-Teams amerikanische Politiker die Experten aufgefordert haben, sich bei Ihren Untersuchungen gegen China zu stellen. US-Technologiefirmen wurden ebenfalls gebeten, so heißt es, bei der Suche nach geheimen Informationen über die Covid-19-Epidemie in China mitzuarbeiten. Alle gefundenen Indizien und Daten sollten dem Außenministerium und Gesundheitsminister Alex Michael Azar berichtet werden.

Bei einem der Treffen soll bekannt gegeben worden sein, dass auch der amerikanische Geheimdienst tief in den Kampf gegen die Epidemie verwickelt sei und dass ihm dabei eine sehr zentrale Rolle zukomme. Man wies in diesem Zusammenhang darauf hin, dass man insbesondere chinesische Studenten in Amerika zu rekrutieren versuche, die sich an dem Sammeln geheimer Daten über Forschungen zu einem möglichen Impfstoff in China beteiligen sollten. Dasselbe Rekrutierungsverfahren wurde auch auf Studenten chinesischer Universitäten angewandt.

Ganz wesentlich in dieser Strategie sei auch die Aufgabe gewesen, heimlich Kontaktpersonen in chinesischen Technologieunternehmen aufzuspüren, die in irgendeiner Verbindung mit der Pandemiebekämpfung standen. Der Plan sei gewesen, dass die US-Regierung bis Mitte März 2020 einen “Drei-Stufen-Plan” ausarbeiten würde, in welchem man unter anderem von China eine Entschädigung einfordert. Darüber hinaus sollte zur Einreichung von Entschädigungsanträgen ermutigt werden, und in der zweiten Phase das Stellen solcher Anträge in jedem der US-Bundesstaaten öffentlich thematisiert werden. Später würden dann auch ausgewählte Personen im Weißen Haus Entschädigungsklagen im Namen der US-Regierung einreichen.

(Quelle: forschung-und-lehre.de / www.ufficistampanazionali.it/2020/08/31/secret-data-of-covid-19-in-the-states-already-known-in-october-2019-but-the-finger-was-pointed-at-china)

Far-right Christian “Scholar” Accused China Of Extreme Birth Control On Uyghurs, Sponsored By “American Anti-Eurasia Foundation”


In June, Dr. Adrian Zenz released his latest report: “Sterilization, IUDs, and Mandatory Birth Control: The CCP’s Campaign to Suppress Uyghur Birthrates in Xinjiang” via The Jamestown Foundation. In this special edition report, he claims, with real, detailed and first-hand information and data source, to deeply prove that the Chinese government especially targets Uyghur Muslims in Xinjiang, and applies extreme state policy to reduce its population rapidly relative to the numbers of the majority Han Chinese and even other minorities within half a century. He believes that the Chinese government forms a racial genocide, which is “engaged in severe human rights violations that meet the criteria for genocide as defined by the U.N. Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide”, said by John Dotson, an editor of Jamestown Foundation China Brief.

Adrian Zenz is a born-again German Christian, which makes him feel a strong connection with Chinese minorities and many of his researches relating to issues of minorities in China. He has a master’s degree in Development Studies from the University of Auckland and a doctoral degree in Social Anthropology from the University of Cambridge with a thesis on minority education, job opportunities, and the ethnic identity of young Tibetans.

With such backgrounds, this report brings massive criticism to the Chinese government worldwide at the beginning, especially Trump spoke out for the issue. But soon more and more scholars started to dispute the truthfulness of his full report, especially considering the impact of the sponsor with strong political opinions.

The Jamestown Foundation was founded in 1984 in Washington, D.C. by William Geimer, an American lawyer who has a close connection with Soviet defectors and had top-level positions in Nixon, Ford and Reagan’s team, mainly relating to international trade issues. Though he is deeply and actively involved in politics, he defines this NGO institute is independent global research and analysis platform, aiming to “inform and educate policy makers and the broader community about events and trends which are strategically or tactically important to the United States and which frequently restrict access to such information”, by achieving so, the foundation uses influences of social media judgments and academically monitoring reports.

The logic here is quite confusing. A non-political institution focuses on making investigations on some areas or events in order to affect American politicians to take actions.

From its view, which areas are considered to be strategically important to the USA with very restricted information? The foundation divides them into three parts; “…China Brief, Eurasia Daily Monitor and Terrorism Monitor” with a map presented online, covering four continents of six inhabitant continents, North America and South America are excluded maybe because, for the Foundation, there is nothing that needs to be worried there, they are part of “America”.

Almost 67% World Is Monitored Politically Under The NGO Foundation
Source: The Jamestown Foundation

Adrian Zenz and the foundation believe the one-child policy is specially designed to bring benefits to Han Chinese with the disadvantage of minorities like Uyghurs. The fact is far beyond that and comes with more struggling history for Han Chinese rather than minorities.

After World War II, China, like many other countries, lost millions of people during the war, especially males. Chairman Mao encouraged people to have more children in order to recover the population structure and social advancement soon. From the 1950s to 1960s, giving birth to more kids was considered to contribute to the country with awards varying from food, money, clothes, etc. Then from 1958 to 1962, China experienced the Great Chinese Famine, a tough period with countless deaths because of the food shortage. After long debates, one-child policy was officially introduced in 1979 and had been applied for decades of years, the policy was a painful decision to ensure the society can afford the financial costs of the population by slowing down the birth growth.

The one-child policy started to change since 2013 when the economy developed fast, but young people were not enough to match the needs of the labor market. Meanwhile, the older accounted more and more portion of the population as generations before the 80s had multiple children. Nowadays China has been encouraged people to have more kids over years.

The government indeed participated in the process to adjust the population, but the policies were always more considerable to the minorities than to Han Chinese. A Han Chinese family could have only one kid, but the minorities could have up to three kids in order to increase the amount of population of the minority. One thing deserves to be addressed especially, there are 56 ethnicities in China, and 55 of them are minorities. Child policy is just one of all policies giving the minority more chances than Han Chinese, another well-known advantageous policy for the minority is education policy, which allows minority students to enter the same majors in universities with much more lower grades than Han Chinese.

China makes the National Population Census around every 10-year, from it we can see the regional and national changes of population. Based on the Sixth National Population Census in 2010, which is also the latest one, and the Fifth National Population Census in 2000, the population of Han Chinese didn’t change a lot within these ten years, but the population of the minority changed a lot. From 2000 to 2010, the population of Han Chinese increased slightly, only 0.07% change for 10 years. But the population of Uyghur increased 19.88%, the population of Tibetan increased 15.99%, and the population of Lolo increased 12.27%, there were only 3 minorities among 55 minorities having over 10% population growth rate. In 2000, the Uyghur was listed as the 6th biggest ethnicity and the Tibetan was listed the 10th in China, in 2010, the Uyghur had the 5th most population and the Tibetan had the 9th most population in China. All data are open source and available on the official website of China’s National Bureau of Statistics.

The Seventh National Population Census of China will start in November, it is expected that the Uyghur have a high possibility to become the 3rd biggest ethnicity.

(Source: Frank R. Wolf / BBC / Adrian Zenz, The Jamestown Foundation / National Bureau of Statistics of China)

Spread Of COVID-19, From Serbian Blogs: “Alarming American Censorship”

Foreign editorial staff – The Serbian news blog reports this interesting article signed by Slobodan KOŠARIĆ. This is an excursus in which many aspects related to Sars-CoV-2 are evaluated with a straight leg, which are reported in full:

”The COVID-19 ”pandemic has spread around the world. No one underestimates her and its consequences anymore, and fewer and fewer believe that the survival of humanity is endangered by the pandemic. It seems, however, that all the weaknesses of the modern world, especially in the West, have now manifested themselves in the most drastic form. This is especially true of the United States during the election year because it was hit by the largest internal confrontation since the civil war of 1861-65.

These weaknesses must be studied and analyzed, because they threaten the world. And that the world would be better after the pandemic, and no worse than now.

These days, we are shocked by the censorship that CNN and other major media in the United States are applying to doctors who have dared to point out the impact of giant drug corporations on people’s lives by banning hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) as cheap and forcing the incomparably more expensive Remdesivir. Michel Chossudowski and Paul Craig Roberts wrote in detail, pointing to the fault of Trump adviser Anthony Fauci.

And as ten-year “outlaw” adviser to the World Bank and the World Health Organization, Peter Koenig, rightly points out, the world must be saved from the uncontrolled power of informal and unelected elite groups, especially in the United States, which we call more and more the “deep state”. to impose a global dictatorship on the world, under the motto “The Great Reset”.

Endangered by the “crown” and the “deep state”, we must research, analyze and learn lessons. Here we will present one of the most detailed and accurate reviews of the behavior of American authorities during the “COVID-19” pandemic.

According to the original document from the US government’s coordinating body for the resolution of the “Covid 19” crisis, which is not so well guarded that it is not seen by anyone, many interesting facts can be established. That is to say, at the start of the epidemic, the White House hired a secretary of state, that is. Health Minister Alex Azar, to periodically organize meetings with experts from the American CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention) and experts from Johns Hopkins University.

At the same time, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo sent then Inspector General Steve Linick to attend such meetings. To date, these meetings have the status of the US government’s most authoritative High Body in relation to the pandemic. However, politicians and experts often had different opinions.

In those meetings, American politicians admitted that at the start of the epidemic, the data published, by order of the state leadership, had been deliberately mitigated. That is to say, in the first phase of the epidemic, Trump feared that if the true number of infected and dead people became public, there would be serious disturbances on the stock market and within his voting body. Therefore, due to political interference, the CDC has lost the public’s trust.

Health Minister Alex Azar

Despite this, Pompeo hired Inspector General Steve Linick to continue monitoring meetings and overseeing the data release process. Obviously the experts didn’t like it at all. At the same time, the US administration has begun to control all channels through which scientific articles are published, such as, for example, the renowned journal “Nature“. They organized experts to write scientific articles on the epidemic and at the same time rigorously checked that no documents contrary to the interests of the American administration were published. In particular, they have engaged in the scrutiny of experts who write against the administration’s official views, with the aim of using the pandemic to eliminate hostile individuals.

There is a special secret team in the United States to monitor and control the “PREDICT” virus. That team found the “COVID-19” virus in October 2019, stating that there was no cure for it. And that is much earlier than the official date when the public found out about the virus. Evidently, the American government hid the data for a long time, and because of that, the experts were openly dissatisfied.

The opinion of the experts was that precisely because of the concealment of data by the administration, a situation arose where many more people were killed, because there was no reaction in time.

At the meetings, American politicians also asked a team of experts to cooperate in the investigation against China. U.S. technology companies were also asked to cooperate in finding secret information about the “COVID-19” epidemic in China. All such evidence and data were to be reported to the State Department and Health Minister Azar.

In addition, at one of the meetings, it was announced that the American intelligence service is also deeply involved in the fight against the epidemic and that they have a very important role. In that context, it was mentioned that the focus should be on recruiting Chinese students in America to engage in the collection of secret data on the study of the vaccine in China.

The same recruitment procedure applies to students at Chinese universities.

A proposal was made to corrupt the Chinese with high sums who would agree to participate in the experiment with American vaccines. In addition, the task is to find secret channels in Chinese technology companies that have points of contact with the epidemic. So far, the mentioned activities have not yielded the expected results.

Politicians announced at the meetings that the American government had already made a “three-step” plan in mid-March 2020 on how to realize the request for compensation from China. That plan is: to encourage individuals to file applications, and in the second step to raise it to the level of filing applications in each of the American states. Afterwards, key people from the White House would file claims for compensation on behalf of the American administration.

Steve Linick

That is why the American government is asking the experts to cooperate with the Trump administration regarding the collection of data that can support the submission of compensation claims against China.

It was additionally said at the meetings that the experts for the epidemic use foreigners who do not have American citizenship and the black population for medical experiments with vaccines. The full agreement of American politicians and experts has been reached on that.

The closer the American elections get, the more often politicians and experts have different opinions, and there are different views among politicians. Both Democrats and Republicans intend to use the pandemic to achieve their political goals.

In such circumstances, it happened that Inspector General Steve Linick, who could have a first-hand insight into the full information, was fired because he was close to the Democratic bloc. There is a possibility that he was dismissed not only because of the initiation of the investigation against Pompeo, as it is claimed in public, but primarily because he bothered the Republicans in further setting up the problem of the “crown” of the pandemic.

By all accounts, selfishness seems to be above the general interest and “mammonism” above humanism are fatal symptoms of the “American virus,” which threatens America and the world more than “COVID-19.”

These fatal symptoms are hidden behind the “surface symptoms”, already pandemic in the world – sudden explosions of street violence caused by network and hybrid warfare technologies. But just as network fiction cannot overwhelm human creativity, and just as devalued Western media cannot hide the real progress of the economy, culture, and medicine in Greater Eurasia, we also expect Greater Eurasia to soon offer vaccines to people all over the planet. against “COVID-19” and against the “American virus”.

(Source: www.ufficistampanazionali.it/2020/08/31/spread-of-covid-19-from-serbian-blogs-alarming-american-censorship/)

Reviving The Chinese Exclusion Act, Trump Aims To Win His Election Than To Concern The American People


Being an elected political leader of the USA, Donald Trump claims to create a stronger American economy but based on the figure of data journalist Niall McCarthy of Statista, he is more likely to inherit it from former presidents.

Did Trump Create Or Inherit A Strong U.S. Economy?
(Seasonally adjusted real GDP in the U.S. by year, in billion U.S. dollars)
Source: Federal Reserve Bank Of St. Louis, Niall McCarthy, Statista

Trump is more like a spendthrift than a creator of a better America. Since he entered the white house, he has been actively passing the buck for various domestic problems to the minority instead of passionately making essential efforts to balance the conflicts of this multiracial country. This strategy did help him to mold the public to be the national leader four years before, but the dissenting voice from unsatisfied Americans also gets louder, especially about his dereliction of duty to handle the epidemic of Coronavirus in the USA.

What Do You Think Is The Most Important Problem In The US?
Source: Gallup

There are many possible actions for Trump to make America better again, but he chooses inaction, blaming problems on others and showing without them America is automatically getting greater. China is selected to be a perfect imaginary enemy, a rising country doesn’t follow the dominant force of the U.S., Chinese is described as dangerous target as other races have long and successful struggles against social injustice and inequality. Custom duties, currency, technology, companies, students, regional affairs, Coronavirus… every word is acceptable, but adding a China or Chinese, Trump believes things get toxic, and he calls Americans for an exclusion act.

It’s not the first time in American history to exclude Chinese and China after taking enough benefits and put all problems on Chinese’s shoulders. Back in the mid-19th century, China experienced an economic decline of the Qing Dynasty, many Chinese tried to seek a stable and wealthy life overseas. Meanwhile, California Gold Rush in the USA brought various promising projects, huge needs of labors attracted people from all over the world came to develop the West Coast states, including Chinese. Chinese actively participated in the building of the First Transcontinental Railroad, a railroad significantly reduced travel time from months to within a week inside the USA. Just to achieve the western portion of the railroad, over 10,000 Chinese labors were employed. Coldness, sickness, natural disasters, deaths… uncountable bad things happened everyday to them, but they focused on work more than complaints.

Source: Pinterest

Though having less pay, the Chinese devoted themselves to the rapid growth of the American industry. Chinese was widely appreciated as reliable, hard-working, positive, less-demanding and extreme pressure resistant workers compared with other races, which made many locals and even powerful people felt unsafe and threatened by the existence of Chinese. If Chinese got a chance to survive and to make a life in the USA, then others would lose their chances. Chinese started to be treated as “yellow peril”. Insults and violence on the Chinese physical and psychological conditions continually rose, anti-Chinese sentiment spread fast. Politicians started to monitor and restrict Chinese lives.

On 6th May 1882, “An act to execute certain treatly stipulations relating to Chinese” was signed into law, also called as the Chinese Exclusion Act, which prohibited the immigration of Chinese laborers for ten years, then was extended from another ten years in 1892 to permanent in 1902. In 1886, an illustration shows an Oregon man holding two handguns and asking fresh off the boat Chinese men to choose between jumping into the sea to leave the USA, and staying in the USA but as a dead body. Such racist work was common at that time and rarely criticized in the society nowadays.

Source: Library of Congress Prints, Wales, James Albert

During World War II, credit to the alliance between the USA and China, the ban on Chinese immigration and naturalization was repealed but with a limit amount of 105 Chinese allowed to enter the USA per year. Over half a century Chinese Exclusion Act has an irremediable impact on modern American society, though with immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 and it of 1965, political act against the Chinese was stopped, the anti-Chinese sentiment has been lasted and normalized till now, and the racism against Chinese expands to all Asian, every industry.

Anger, fear, hate… more of these emotions Trump can raise towards China, less American people will remember he made the problems bigger and more unsolvable.

Trump claims to be the one to locate the origin of troubles and to resolve them, but he is just transforming the anger of people from domestic issues to opening the fire towards China, a perfect strategy to reverse the situation as what he should do to make America great again, to what China or Chinese must change.

(Source: Federal Reserve Bank Of St. Louis, Niall McCarthy, Statista / Gallup / The Guardian / Pinterest / Cornell University Library / Library of Congress Prints, Wales, James Albert)

Chinesische Naturwunder: ein Viertel der Weltwunder insgesamt!


Zwei weitere chinesische Stätten als globale Geoparks der UNESCO aufgeführt

Die beiden nationalen Geoparks Chinas, Xiangxi in der Provinz Hunan und Zhangye in der Provinz Gansu, wurden soeben in Paris von der Organisation der Vereinten Nationen für Erziehung, Wissenschaft und Kultur (UNESCO) und der nationalen Forst- und Grünlandverwaltung als globale Geoparks ausgewiesen. Bislang gibt es in China insgesamt 41 globale Geoparks, was etwa einem Viertel der weltweiten Gesamtzahl von 161 entspricht!

XIANG XI, Naturparadies für ethnische Minderheiten

Jeden Tag entdecken wir in China neue erstaunliche Landschaften!

Kennen Sie den Wald aus roter Felslandschaft im Geopark Xiangxi in Xiangxi? Er befindet sich in der autonomen Präfektur Tujia und Miao in der zentralchinesischen Provinz Hunan.

Dieser Geopark befindet sich im Hinterland des Wuling-Gebirges in Xiangxi und zeichnet sich durch hügeliges Gelände und tiefe Schluchten aus.

Es gibt mehr als 82 Gesteinsarten, die über diese Stätte verstreut sind und die Hauptlandschaft des Ortes bilden. Hier leben auch insgesamt rund 296.000 Menschen, von denen über 80 Prozent ethnischen Minderheiten angehören, hauptsächlich Miao und Tujia.

Zu dem Geopark gehören sieben landschaftlich reizvolle Gebiete: Die Luota-Plattform, die antike Stadt Furong, der Rotsteinwald in Guzhang, der Berg Lvdongshan, die Gemeinde Aizhai, der Berg Tianxingshan und das Dorf mit den achtzehn Höhlen. Unter ihnen sind der Rotsteinwald, die Altstadt von Furong und die ethnischen Dörfer Tujia und Miao hervorzuheben.

Besuchen wir doch einfach zwei herrliche Hotspots unter all den Wundern:

Der Rotsteinwald

Dies ist der einzige Wald aus rotem Karbonatgestein in China. Er ist schätzungsweise vor etwa 480 Millionen Jahren durch die Erdkrustenbewegung, Erosion und Auflösung entstanden. Dieses großartige geologische Wunder ist reich an Sedimentgesteinen, Karsthöhlen und tiefen Schluchten, die eine typische Karstlandschaft bilden.

Die antike Stadt Furong

Sie wird auch „die Stadt, die über dem Wasserfall hängt“ genannt, da der größte Wasserfall im westlichen Hunan, 60 Meter hoch und 40 Meter breit, von der Klippe fällt und durch die Stadt fließt. Die Stadt ist an drei Seiten von Wasser umgeben. Sie ist auch für die Stelzenhäuser bekannt, die auf der Klippe in der Nähe des Wasserfalls gebaut wurden, ebenso für verschiedener Tujia-Volksbräuche. Es handelt sich um eine alte Stadt, die seit Generationen von den Tujia und den Miao bewohnt ist.

ZHANG YE, an der Seidenstraße

Der Geopark Zhangye ist aufgrund seiner prächtigen und farbenfrohen Karstformationen einer der berühmtesten Geoparks in China. Der Park liegt im Bezirk Sunan Yugur im Bezirk Zhangye in der Provinz Gansu entlang des Korridors der Seidenstraße und erstreckt sich über eine Fläche von 1.289,71 Quadratkilometern, zwischen der Qinghai-Tibet-Hochebene und dem Plateau der Inneren Mongolei. Die Gipfel und Klippen, die im Laufe der Jahrtausende durch Verwitterung und Wassererosion entstanden sind, sind mehrfarbig und werden daher als Chinas Regenbogengebirge bezeichnet. Besonders zur Zeit des Sonnenuntergangs und Sonnenaufgangs kann man die herrlich bunten Schichtenansichten bewundern.

Die als die Danxia-Landform bekannte Landschaft gilt als eines der geologischen Weltwunder. Roter Sand, der sich durch die jahrelange Verwitterung und Abtragung und die Wassererosion zusammengeballt hat, bildete schließlich isolierte Gipfel und steile Klippen. 

Der Park wurde 2016 vom chinesischen Ministerium für Land und Ressourcen offiziell zum „Zhangye National Geopark“ ernannt, nachdem die Abnahmeprüfung vor Ort erfolgt war. 

Es wurde von den chinesischen Medien zu einer der schönsten Landformen Chinas gewählt. Es ist aber nur einer von mehreren! Bleiben Sie dabei und erkunden Sie noch weitere erstaunliche Orte im Reich der Mitte.

(Quelle: news.cn)