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Saturday, July 27, 2024


Adrian Zenz, ein „Gotteskrieger“ gegen China?

Die Behauptung, China habe mehr als eine Million muslimischer Uiguren in der Provinz Xinjiang in „Internierungslagern“ eingesperrt, basiert auf zwei dubiosen „Studien“, deren wissenschaftliche...



Henry Chang-Yu Lee: I’m not omniscient, just an ordinary scientist

Henry Chang-Yu Lee, an internationally renowned criminal forensics expert, was born in Jiangsu Province, China, and is of Chinese American descent. In July 1998,...


Middle East Welcomes China’s Photovoltaic Overcapacity

In the past two years, China's photovoltaic industry capacity has tripled, but the profit margin has fallen by 70%. Due to super large-scale manufacturing and...
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Microsoft’s ‘Blue Screen of Death’: A Chilling Preview of a Cyber Crisis

On July 19, many Windows enterprise users opened their computers as usual, only to be greeted by a silent “blue screen.” No matter how...

Why International Law Doesn’t Obligate China to Rescue U.S. Astronauts

On June 5, U.S. astronauts Sunita "Suni" Williams and Barry "Butch" Wilmore entered space aboard Boeing's CST-100 Starliner. Originally scheduled to return to Earth...

How Green Revolution Failed in Asian Countries

Ecological civilization is characterized by the need to repair the contradictory relationship between human and nature, and human and the environment. The phenomenon of...

Intelligence system of the Taliban Government of Afghanistan

In the more than two years since the Afghan Interim Administration was established, Afghanistan's political landscape has largely stabilized, yet a deep humanitarian crisis...

Hong Kong’s Revival: Surpassing Singapore in the Asian Capital Management Race

In 2023, Hong Kong SAR, China, solidified its position as Asia's top hedge fund and wealth management hub, aiming to surpass Switzerland globally. Regulatory...


Friend-shoring: The essence of U.S. strategic competition is to occupy the world factory status

On April 13, 2022, U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen gave a speech at the Atlantic Council in which she strongly advocated that the United...