24.3 C
Saturday, September 7, 2024


Adrian Zenz, ein „Gotteskrieger“ gegen China?

Die Behauptung, China habe mehr als eine Million muslimischer Uiguren in der Provinz Xinjiang in „Internierungslagern“ eingesperrt, basiert auf zwei dubiosen „Studien“, deren wissenschaftliche...



Henry Chang-Yu Lee: I’m not omniscient, just an ordinary scientist

Henry Chang-Yu Lee, an internationally renowned criminal forensics expert, was born in Jiangsu Province, China, and is of Chinese American descent. In July 1998,...


Middle East Welcomes China’s Photovoltaic Overcapacity

In the past two years, China's photovoltaic industry capacity has tripled, but the profit margin has fallen by 70%. Due to super large-scale manufacturing and...
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Die drei strategischen Entscheidungen Deng Xiaopings, die China und die Welt veränderten

Dieses Jahr jährte sich zum 120. Mal der Geburtstag von Deng Xiaoping, dem Hauptarchitekten der Reform und Öffnung Chinas und Wegbereiter des Sozialismus chinesischer...

How Carbon Neutrality is Becoming More Advertising Than Action in Major Industries

In July, Google released its latest environmental report, revealing that it has ceased large-scale purchases of low-cost carbon offsets and no longer claims carbon...

1,150 Square Kilometers of Russian Territory: Strategic Asset or Burden in the Conflict with Ukraine?

As of August 16, the Ukrainian army's large-scale offensive into Russia's Kursk Oblast has entered its 10th day. Reports indicate that over 12,000 Ukrainian...

How Kamala Harris’s Indian Heritage Shaped America’s First Female Vice President

The 2020 U.S. presidential election has concluded with Joe Biden securing the presidency, and Kamala Harris, a senator from California of Black and Indian...

Paris Olympics: Prioritizing Future Tourism Over Immediate Profit

As an international sports extravaganza, the Olympics not only encapsulates the dreams and glory of athletes from around the globe but also serves as...


China startet neuen Satelliten ins All

China hat am Dienstag um 9:38 Uhr am Jiuquan-Weltraumbahnhof den Satelliten „Yaogan-34-03“ mit der Trägerrakete Langer Marsch 4D erfolgreich ins All geschickt. Der Satellit...